Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Who does the kkk and american nazi party support today?
I don’t know any of you people. I’ve been growing for 25 years and avoided forums and crap until my new state went recreational for obvious reasons.
Share the results of your Google search...
ah yes. The old think for me response. No I don’t think I shall spend any more time arguing with you guys. Really nothing to be angry over ✌️Stay lifted and be cool
Google it and find out or would you prefer to remain ignorant.......It’s not hidden lol. Also peace my man, was no hate in my statement of fact. ✌✌
I think it’s pretty obvious there are bigots on both sides of the isle....

please do google it and learn something you didn’t know. Google is a useful tool.
Google it and find out or would you prefer to remain ignorant.......It’s not hidden lol. Also peace my man, was no hate in my statement of fact. ✌️✌️
Your point is ridiculous and out of context. If you can’t see that you’re a fool. If you can, you’re just another sad individual looking for attention.

No hate from me either.
Lol Take it easy there Uncle Buck. I haven’t insulted you and you take this so personal lol. Really I think it’s better for us not to engage. Enjoy your little echo chamber. Lol
you came in here with your worn out “but democrats started the kkk!” pants pissing dumbfuckness and then tried to play dumb when I asked you who the kkk supports now

You trumpsucking retards are too fucking dumb to exist