Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Oh I love these. I do discriminate between origin and manufacture. I choose the second.

The kebab is a tell this is an English urban place.

My car is Japanese with a lot of Canadian content.
My vodka is from Kentucky.
My pizza is locally made.
No coffee.
My movies are from all over.
My black tea is from Africa and India. Not a Ceylon fan. My green tea is Japanese.
My shirt is tagged Dominican Republic.
My oil is mostly US and Canadian.
My electronics hail from Britain, Maine, Germany and the Sierra foothills. I do “high end” audio. TVs are Japanese and Korean.
I wish we had kebab here. Closest and not well represented in the desert West are shawarma and gyros. We do get some spankin al pastor though.

I know that a lot of this is geographic. But still fun to compare.
That sounds surprising to you? Even in Saudi Arabia, which is waaaaaay ahead of Afghanistan in terms of social modernization, only recently allowed women to drive.