Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Umm…elderly white guy myself…no diminution meant…just, have seen a great many of said demographic professionally (functional anatomy, bones, connective tissues). I’m not exactly the swivel-hipped rocker I once was
I’m saying the mass production reference went zing over me. Still seeking enlightenment. And a reliably good frozen pizza.
They don't eat that well in a federal maximum-security prison, whatever is on the food tray the SS guy shoves through the grub hole in his cell door. He'll get to walk by his wall for an hour a day to exercise and may be allowed to have a TV, which he could use to see himself called a loser and to see everybody shit on him or run for cover.

Donald is gonna have a Helluva Christmas this year, far from Merry. When Garland indicts him with a speedy trial and no defense, no delaying this freight train rushing down the rails with Donald bound tightly to the tracks squirming and screaming.