Anyone hoping for Obama to make anything better for the American people are going to be disappointed
He's been better on the social issues, like gay rights, than his conservative counterparts, but imo, the social issues will solve themselves with time, after all, the civil rights act wasn't enacted because of LBJ, arguably it happened because of Martin Luther King, a civilian preacher who rallied the people around him and his cause. The people knew it was right, and that's why it passed.
What he fails at, at every goddamn turn, are the fiscal and financial issues. It's pretty obvious at this point he acts in accordance with the people that purchased him. His wall st. donors get their monies worth, paid back in droves. A small contribution here, a medium sized one there, that's how politics works, Obama is a lifelong politician, why would anyone expect he'd be any different?
I know people always say "lawyers are bloodsuckers", but for politicians, the generalization seems to ring pretty true. It's rare to find a politician who isn't in somebodies pocket, and when you do, it's normally a jr. congressman from noname Kentucky who'll be out next term anyway because he didn't take the offers.. His political opponent will, though, so all the donations next election will go to him unsurprisingly..