Poll: "Its Not How Long You Live but How You Live"

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hell, man, their bible tells them it's ok to own slaves, to beat women and rape them.
oh i know they are some of the sickest most misguided people out there. but im sure they thought because these heathen slaves were not christians its ok to mistreat or kill them as there going to hell anyways. then they repent on there death beds and all is forgiven. its a child like mental state weakminded people exist in to be able to do as they please and justify any behavior that suits there ideals.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
the funny thing is that this threads description is 'its not how long you live but how you live' now thats irony oh the humanity. you either laugh or cry.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Either way, you're gonna die no matter what.Might as well think for yourself and see what real living is all about.
the funny thing is that this threads description is 'its not how long you live but how you live' now thats irony oh the humanity. you either laugh or cry.


New Member
I have smoked from the mighty bong and I am still here.... to bong again. Had a friend of my cousins die at 3:00 in the morning sitting on the couch watching South Park and a bong between his legs.... now that is style... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
yah, if you have to go...that is the ultimate way. He's woke up not feeling well (precursor to the heart attack)...so he fixed a bong and sat down on the living room couch and turned on South Park. He didn't want to wake his wife. That's how she found him the next morning...bong still in hand...

out. :blsmoke:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That' sad for his wife. Surprised like that.
yah, if you have to go...that is the ultimate way. He's woke up not feeling well (precursor to the heart attack)...so he fixed a bong and sat down on the living room couch and turned on South Park. He didn't want to wake his wife. That's how she found him the next morning...bong still in hand...

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Yes it was...he was 54. He found weed late in life and kept him sober for the last 6 years of his life. "Everything is better with a joint" was his motto.... true dat, even a heart attack.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
still no word? oh that must be cause going to heaven and being condemned to hell through jesus christ, are two concepts that dont exist in the bible..


Some people have set their minds on certain beliefs regardless of a higher or / and more orderly TRUTH. Some people HATE the (good) Truth and thus, even if they were in the presence of Jesus Christ and were offered heaven they would decline because that's who they are either at a particular period of time in their life or by nature.

You must be reasonable and open minded to the HEART of the TRUTH; your heart always consist with the Divine Truth; your conscience also; however, the mind can over-ride the heart and the conscience because of God's free will given unto mankind. TEMPTATION which are the manipulations and false programming of much of the world can lead one to go against the divine judgment from their HEART.

Divine Decision making. Sound Judgement comes only from the TRUTH, the Whole TRUTH, and noting but the TRUTH.

The Book of Revelation is a great source to charge a more countering or fulfilling perspective of your appetitie for (hopefully) understanding of heaven, hell, judgment, and Jesus Christ.


Well-Known Member

Some people have set their minds on certain beliefs regardless of a higher or / and more orderly TRUTH. Some people HATE the (good) Truth and thus, even if they were in the presence of Jesus Christ and were offered heaven they would decline because that's who they are either at a particular period of time in their life or by nature.

You must be reasonable and open minded to the HEART of the TRUTH; your heart always consist with the Divine Truth; your conscience also however, the mind can over-ride the heart and the conscience because of the manipulations and false programming of much of the world.

The Book of Revelation is a great source to charge a more countering or fulfilling perspective of your appetitie for (hopefully) understanding of heaven, hell, judgment, and Jesus Christ.
More gibberish to avoid answering the question. I don't expect that you can see how silly you look, but your delusions and inability to look at this rationally or at least objectively is very sad...


New Member
Hell, man, their bible tells them it's ok to own slaves, to beat women and rape them.

Hell's Bible says these things?; is that what you just wrote?

Rape is never endirse in the Old Testiment or the New Testiment; beating were permissible in the Old Testament and the New Testament it is a matter of higher Truth and conscience; though; outside of Justice, it is never permissible either. I prefer to call it DISCIPLINE, because it is suppose to be made with sound and reasonable judgment and from a pure heart of LOVE in a realization that it is the only way to awaken the conscious of a person who is responding not to the reasonable alternative otherwise. In a honest and loving effort to correct harmful conduct otherwise; not in an act of self hate taken out on others cause you can (possibly) get away wit it.

Heck, analogically, your conduct toward me is a type of (false or unjustified) BEATING; think about it.


New Member
More gibberish to avoid answering the question. I don't expect that you can see how silly you look, but your delusions and inability to look at this rationally or at least objectively is very sad...


I think you are projecting your reality and truamas on me; no offense, but are you and McFried close?


New Member
Once again, you babble on about nothing. Your truth is not everyone's truth.You just wanna preach.Do you even smoke pot? Oh, and don't tell me what I "ought" to do, as you are in no way a person I would follow or use as an example to live my life. Because you pretend to be righteous, but you're full of hatred for women and homosexuals, probably because you've been turned down by one and are the other.[/quote]


That was how it was suppose to work huh? Well, believe it or not, it is because of the Spirit of TRUTH through JESUS CHRIST that it didn't work out this way. I don't hate who God created me to be; thus, if I hate a woman or a homosexual, it is not because of who they are on the surface; it is because they have displayed a true evil and wicked spirit to me. Other than that in Love, I love both (good) women, etc.

For clarity, I only HATE evil and wickedness NATURES / HEARTS; not necessarily VICTIMS of such people. You have misinterpreted my essays like usual. It's not me, its YOU.


New Member
More gibberish to avoid answering the question. I don't expect that you can see how silly you look, but your delusions and inability to look at this rationally or at least objectively is very sad...


"The Book of Revelation"; the last book of the Christian Bible


New Member
oh i know they are some of the sickest most misguided people out there. but im sure they thought because these heathen slaves were not christians its ok to mistreat or kill them as there going to hell anyways. then they repent on there death beds and all is forgiven. its a child like mental state weakminded people exist in to be able to do as they please and justify any behavior that suits there ideals.


It is a very delicate thing to be able to JUDGE; only a few have such a capacity; according to their deeds. To be a heathen or pagan in itself is not a justification to mistreat or murder a person or a slave. This is a matter of nature and/or nurture. Some people are no more then deterants and detrements to civil society. Some people will not stop or feel happy except to give hell to righteous and good hearted people, regardless of religions.

Even, if one credible person makes such a statement, such as Frederrick Douglass; some people still lie and misinterprete others with unrepent self righteous justification; let us not forget, JESUS CHRIST a righteous man suffered every sin without committing one (back); so He was and is one of these people / slaves you speak of; so if you can argue a case for these people then you trully agree with the "OBEDIENT SACRIFICE" of JESUS CHRIST. I think you need to reflect for the sake of updating your view and/or perspective of your reality, your reasoning.

Your heart seems to believe, but your mind has yet to realize it. Think about it.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
religious people are frightening anyone who cant think on there own are the ones who are really lost. religion is the most tragic thing to happen to mankind so many innocent lives destroyed through religious persecution. religion is a crutch for the weak and tool for people seeking control and power over others. its sad so many are so weak as to blindly follow such outdated madness.