Poll results for Armed Citizen vs LEO's

Indiana’s Constitutional Carry law went into effect July 1, legal self-defense. I read he shot from 120’, i don’t believe it. I believe he was right there waiting for his gf to tinkle and let the kid have it from 20’ or less. I’m sure he wishes it didn’t happen.

They had to check the video. It was over 100'. Kid must have went to the range quite a bit.
What if he was carrying illegally? Does it really change the good deed at all?

The border patrol team illegally broke through the barricades in and took care of the Uvalde shooter in a matter of minutes.

A unarmed mother broke through that same barricade and got both of her kids out. Is she a vigilante?
Unlawfully carrying in a restricted area is not impressive
It’s a criminal that got lucky

Nothing about what that guy did was illegal. Legally carrying a firearm and using it to stop bodily harm of self or others was well within the law. Simon Malls do have signs up that say "No weapons" That, however, does not carry the weight of law in Indiana. Were they to find out he was carrying and asked him to leave, they could then trespass him if he refused. But as far as carrying open or concealed in the mall, it was not against the law.
Off the top of my head, Tennessee no carry signs are backed by the weight of the law as long as they are posted within the regulations, so check local listing before carrying into a posted place.