Poll: to water or not to water?


Well-Known Member
If your leafs are drooping and yellowing it does this for both under/over watering if you look a the leaf if it looks puffy then I would say over watering. If it looks dry and crisp under watering. Good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
Hey man I'm gonna put something out there I never check my PH level in my soil never
I do use well water which shows 0 PH in it but never check it after i mix my feed in it and
I never have run off, Like was said in the other posts everyone does it the way they are
comfortable, we are just here giving opinions, its up to you to decide which way works
best on your grow... Follow your instinct it will be right on unless you just don't have a clue
to what your doing or what type of outcome you want. Something else I never Flush at end
of flower I cut back on the nutes to half what I normally feed for the last 2 weeks strength
wise. I get smooth flavor and great taste, so try it both ways and see what you think there have
been studies done on flushing and not flushing at end of flower I did my own and I couldn't
tell the difference from Half strength to just plain water in taste or high. Again that's just my
way of growing...