Pollen harvesting.


Active Member
I have a small indoor garden. I have just started the flowering and I have males with a female in a grow tent. Would anyone be so kind as to link me a thread where it discusses harvesting and preserving pollen sacs while not ruining bud production?

My overall goal is to harvest the pollen and dust a branch for seed without ruining the whole run.
Unless you can cryo freeze pollen, it's viable for about 48hrs.

Actually pollen will last for much longer than 48 hours. I've used pollen that I dried and kept in a vial at room temperature weeks after collecting. Pollen can be kept viable for months in the freezer with some people reporting viability up to a year.
Actually pollen will last for much longer than 48 hours. I've used pollen that I dried and kept in a vial at room temperature weeks after collecting. Pollen can be kept viable for months in the freezer with some people reporting viability up to a year.
I've heard and seen otherwise.
I've heard and seen otherwise.

Whoever you saw doing whatever must have been doing it wrong.

I've done and seen otherwise as have many other people. As long as it's dry and sealed in an airtight container with desiccant it will last a long time in a regular freezer. Even at room temperature it will last much longer than 48 hours. I know because I've used and created viable seeds from pollen that had been collected weeks before I used it. I am talking from actual experience as I am no stranger to pollen, collecting pollen, pollinating female plants, and making seeds.






Well as far as what I was saying, I meant that once it's come off the plant, in open air like say a tent situation, it's good for maybe 2 days Max. This is why I mentioned freezing it.
I can confirm xtsho observation. Pollen last at least for several days without freezing.
xtsho is correct. I have also used weeks old pollen that has been collected and stored in a sealed dry place.
I had bad luck preserving pollen (never worked for me)
I just keep the male and make seeds, you will lose weight and potency.