pollen life?


how long does pollen last in the environment? My room has been shut down since November due to me being deployed, but before i left i had big male plant issue that i didnt catch in time. Lots of seeds resulted. I plan on scrubbing everything with bleach before i start again, but could pollen still be " alive" in the room?


Well-Known Member
Pollen could still be viable from November but if you hit it with enough bleach you'll denature it.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
dont forget to clean the undersides of your tables and equipment, change your intake filters, and clean your vents. if your exhaust system vents into the central air system, youll have to change those filters too.

treat it like a fungal outbreak. kill the pollen like it was spores.


Well-Known Member
A simple misting of plain water will kill any viable pollen. Unless you're really anal, super drastic measures aren't necessary. Pollen is sorta like human sperm surviving outside the female body. Not for long. Pollen might last a bit longer, but months?

Try storing pollen sometime. It's really hard to keep viable.
