
I’m new to this grow thing and here’s my situation. I hav a couple plants that I am growing outdoors (week 9 day 6) but I came up on a few plants that are a lil more mature with buds. The only thing is that they look like they’ve been pollenated by a male (they hav seeds growing in the calyx). Can female plants still pollenate after that, possibly affecting the new plants? Or do those seeds just grow in the calyx buds without pollenating?? Asking bcuz I’d like to kno if I should keep them away from my new plants or are they ok to grow in the same area??
-Pics show my new plants and then two of the plants I just came up on-



If thwy were all fem then they hermied on you (grew male parts) and seeded the female, once she starts producing seeds she will do just that... produce seeds, she will focus on seed production rather than forming big buds. BUT THAT IS NO REASON TO GIVE UP ON HER !! , somw strains produce amazing smoking buds whwn they produce seeds because they also produce resin to protect them. Keep them going, go through the labor of fishing out the seeds, enjoy a smoke and then enjoy some free fem seeds ;)


Thanks for the reply. Will they affect my new plants?
It is possible, pollen can stick around for a while but you should be ok, just make sure to keep àn eye out for pollen sacks and get them as quickly as you can, or worst comes to worst if they hermie really bad just throw the lot, get some new genetics, clean your area and then start again :bigjoint: