Pollinating females


Well-Known Member

Was wondering if spraying the female after pollinating the females would be safe right after? i spray them, because it kills the pollen and was wondering how long i should wait after pollinating the female.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can and probably should spray your plant down a couple of hours after pollination. I say this only to ensure that you don't have pollen blowing from one plant to another, if it is a solo plant then there is no real benefit, IMO. Anyway once the pollen is accepted by the pistil which usually occurs upon contact you should be free to spray.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
its been a couple days now & i still haven't noticed any of the hairs dieing off or anything. I was told that hairs maturing is usually a sign the the female pistol accepted the male pollen?


Well-Known Member
Once the pistil has accepted the pollen yes it will start to shrivel up and withdraw into the calyx. This process can take a day or three to fully see what was pollinated. If you just pollinated a branch or budsite or two remember to mark the branch with a piece of string or something, otherwise it is really easy to forget which one you did.