pollination / seed questions


Well-Known Member
How late can a flower / calyx be pollinated ? ?




Is it to late once the hairs/stigmas start turning brown , what about when their fully brown and receding into the calyx ??

How long after sucessfull pollination does it take for seeds to machure ??

Is their any way to know / check if the swolen calyx has a seed growing in it ,without killing the seed ??

Any nutrient differences when growing for seed instead of flower ? ?

The chart above is about harvesting by calyx/stigmas and shows when the hairs are fully brown it's past prime (for flower) . I know the best method of determining harvest is by trichomes not calyx/stigmas but how often is the above method correct ? ?

Rhotoazation (spelt very wrong) the pollination method where a old female will grow male flower to pollinate herself at the end of her flowering . How does this work if the female wont be alive long enouth to produce machure seed ?? Does the female also grow more female flowers so the pollon will be accepted since the stigmas has browned ? ?
sup bro. from what i know from experience and reading they say to pollenate the first 3-4 weeks of flower for best viable seed ratio.

to answer your next two qs. I used to pull off little pieces of the flower to test the seeds... id say 3-4weeks after pollination to mature under 600 watt hps... you can see the seeds without killing em by fingering the flower around.

and nutrients you want supple strong healthy non stressed seeds also you would want to see the flower at its full potiential, but imo you want to make clones so you can also stress one out to find one that isnt prone to growing pollen sacks.

not all plants grow balls even old ones...

and youll learn how your smoke tastes as soon as you smoke your herb, youll know sooner or later next run. I like to try to get it before it looks like the thc is degrading, the chart i wouldnt use... id say instead of looking for pistols to be half dead look for the end of growth cycle... most hairs will all be orange or red and youll still see they could be dense. use good judgement. peace
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Like he said, it takes about 3-4 weeks after pollination for seeds to be fully developed and you can tell if a pistil has been pollinated if the calyxes are getting swollen and firm instead of swollen and squishy...age of plant at point of pollination isn't as important as making sure it's got enough time left in flower to finish those beans (4 weeks to be safe).
in my experience the pistil remains viable and able to be pollinated up to the point that it turns from white to off white or orange and looses that slivk oily look in favor of a mire dry crusty one haha
takes anywhere frim 3 weeks to 6 for them to be fully mature and weeks 3-5 are best to pollinate lots of pistils can equal lots of seed.
use a bit more N than usual and you should be fine.
the seeds will peek out at you and show you they are ready when they fully mature.
rodelization works by taking a female afew weeks past her harvest date in order to make the plant stress and produce staminate (male ) parts in a last ditch effort to preserve its genetics (brought on by the sensi condition aka being unpollinated) then you cut those balls off at harvest, put them in a baggie ir jar and put them in the fridge while you wait for the clone of that plant to reach a suitable stage of fliwering for pollination.
I'd say it all depends on a plant you're polinating. Seeds need 3-6 weeks to finish, if you have 8week flowering plant, you want to polinate no later than 4weeks into, but if you have 17week sativa strain, you could polinate wayyy later.. as long as plant is pushing new stigmas(keeping in mind the time seed needs to mature) you can polinate them. This is to your Q: when latest, if the question would be - when to harvest quantity wise, answer would differ. Cheers
yup.. just need white hairs.. I had a plant.. in my breedin chamber.. that I tossed in a few weeks later.. into flower I saw how amazing she was doing.. and wanted her to get seeded.. and everything white.. got seeded.. anything that wasn't white hairs.. was to mature.. and didn't seed..

also. when u do this.. u take a chance that the plants wont make it to fully produce seed..

the plant I did this with.. only yielded like 100 seeds out of a 2 foot bush. that shoulda yielded 500-1000 easy.

then the next time.. I seeded normal times .. with every other strain.. and got soo many more.. and BIGGER HEALTHIER SEEDS. with the same male..

I found this DeadHead OG KUSH. x Afghani Kush .. MALE that I have been using.. and it puts out some seriouse fire.. every seed ive planted from this male.. has turned out to be amazing quality.. or has some of the best smelling and tasting buds ive ever grew or got..

besides the REAL ROAD KILL SKunk .. that is something im SEARCHING FOR.. until I find that.. I will always be searching lol...
I seeded two females ( one OG from seed - indica, and one clone - saliva) with a male OG from seed- indica. The male of course grows faster and stronger than the female seed so the male pollen was ready a little before the females were ready to accept the pollen. I noticed that the male cannabis plant flowers for quite a long while, and keeps growing new pollen sacks until the plant dies. The female seedling pollinated first and produced many seed pods that were easily felt with a gentle squeeze of the bud. The clone took much longer to mature, and produced fewer seeds (an ample amount, however) and had many more immature seeds that didn't get time to mature - probably because it was a sativa
I pollinated the whole plant because I wanted a large # of seeds but it seems pretty foolproof and impossible to NOT get any seeds with very little effort.
I did harvest the plants and test the smoke even though some think that the potency is ruined it was stronger than the top shelf "best in the house" bud that I got from the dispensary. On the sativa some branches were pollinated and some were just regular bud so it worked out just fine.
Rodelization is a bad pollination method. You are just selecting the genes that caused the plant to naturally hermie, and breeding them into more generations. CS is the best method for reversal without making a hermie line

Also, any white hairs should be pollinate-able, but you need around a month for the seed to mature on the plant.
yup.. just need white hairs.. I had a plant.. in my breedin chamber.. that I tossed in a few weeks later.. into flower I saw how amazing she was doing.. and wanted her to get seeded.. and everything white.. got seeded.. anything that wasn't white hairs.. was to mature.. and didn't seed..

also. when u do this.. u take a chance that the plants wont make it to fully produce seed..

the plant I did this with.. only yielded like 100 seeds out of a 2 foot bush. that shoulda yielded 500-1000 easy.

then the next time.. I seeded normal times .. with every other strain.. and got soo many more.. and BIGGER HEALTHIER SEEDS. with the same male..

I found this DeadHead OG KUSH. x Afghani Kush .. MALE that I have been using.. and it puts out some seriouse fire.. every seed ive planted from this male.. has turned out to be amazing quality.. or has some of the best smelling and tasting buds ive ever grew or got..

besides the REAL ROAD KILL SKunk .. that is something im SEARCHING FOR.. until I find that.. I will always be searching lol...
You find that RKS you let me know...I'm in the same search lol
i been running this skunk x nycd.. that is super stinky .. super potent.. amazing bag appeal crystal wise and smell wise.. looks great.. i mean great shit... and super super fast flowering.. its nuts..
yup.. just need white hairs.. I had a plant.. in my breedin chamber.. that I tossed in a few weeks later.. into flower I saw how amazing she was doing.. and wanted her to get seeded.. and everything white.. got seeded.. anything that wasn't white hairs.. was to mature.. and didn't seed..

also. when u do this.. u take a chance that the plants wont make it to fully produce seed..

the plant I did this with.. only yielded like 100 seeds out of a 2 foot bush. that shoulda yielded 500-1000 easy.

then the next time.. I seeded normal times .. with every other strain.. and got soo many more.. and BIGGER HEALTHIER SEEDS. with the same male..

I found this DeadHead OG KUSH. x Afghani Kush .. MALE that I have been using.. and it puts out some seriouse fire.. every seed ive planted from this male.. has turned out to be amazing quality.. or has some of the best smelling and tasting buds ive ever grew or got..

besides the REAL ROAD KILL SKunk .. that is something im SEARCHING FOR.. until I find that.. I will always be searching lol...

Come to Maine
Ol man Merv got some of that RKS