Polyploid Hermi


Well-Known Member
I gotta jump in a say with some caution....

I have seen the crazy looking "polyploids" but as this seems to be a phenotype without genotype data at the moment. If it has multiple sets, great, but looking "polyploid" isn't an indicator of polyploid, even these supposed examples.

Part of the problem is that we don't actually know what phenotypic traits a true polyploid exhibits...and extrapolating on that further, while nature seems to have they are rare, we don't even understand the mechanism of polyploidism itself if it indeed exists...and I would be willing to bet that environmental stressors play a part in creating that genotype, maybe just as similarly in the ease that some subspecies seem to go from being monoecious to dioecious maybe in a single generation. Although that may be a bad comparison, since those genotypes are being expressed fairly clearly at times...female parts/male parts....which give us notice of the switch phenotypically that we can then identify genotypically almost with certainty....Almost because of things like the "super" male, which blurs the line...but again, what phenotype would indicate a polyploid....For all the examples of the "polyploid" plants that are out there.....and there are hundreds if not thousands...Not a sinle one has any accompaning Gene data to back that up...That's all I am say...Proof in the Gene Pudding.......maybe more so in this case than ANY other, or at least for the typical "species" of Kanna we are familiar with...:peace:


Well-Known Member
good photo

i have got those before.. i called them celery plants

i do not necessarily

"think" this is poly ploid[ but i am not a scientist]

poly ploid i think would give several times the same amount of thc content..while still [possibly] looking normal..

that plant does not look overly resinous

i think i better back out of this one..over the years polyploydism talk has never really shown anything to me..i mean since the 70's

..we even tried the colchicine thing[and bailed on it]

and i cannot really contribute actual proof of anything other than "i think"

all the best

in the old days polyployd characteristics were [supposed to be]

dark green colouration and multiplemtimes the thc content in the same space..

fk i hate[trying to] sounding scientific..

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Poly is a dbl set of gene's in the nucleus.
It has to be confirmed by actually counting them and the best way to do that (if you have the ability in a lab to) would be to use some of the root at the base of the plant.....

What I'm saying is that in "nature" or by it's self. Canna is not at all likely to have a poly condition happen during cell division at the popping the seed stage (when it must occur to become a whole "Polyploid" plant......)

Now on the potency side....I don't see dbl strength plants happening just because the plant has dbl the chromosomes! The actual DNA would have to change to effect that......

Now as far as if it actually exists.....It sure does! It's part of the breeding to get to seedless grapes and melons etc.



Well-Known Member
I completely understand that the only actual way to confirm polyploid is by counting the genes in a lab, something I certainly dont have access to unfortunately, and for that reason alone I shouldn't have called it polyploid. But as was said earlier, genetic assumptions can be made from phenotype. Even though they probably shouldn't.
I agree that poly cannabinoid levels are unaffected and do not contain more potent THC.
Dr, you said "Canna is not at all likely to have a poly condition happen during cell division at the popping the seed stage"
Who's to say the seed didn't have a poly condition happen at popping time. Not likely but not impossible? Im no scientist, im a welder, and all this talk batters my head.
This thread was started to help me work out whether to keep it.
As it turns out I will, pistil development is still slow, but there has been no increase in male flowers.
I'll save the photos for now Dr, not a great deal to show except for some odd growth, but photos will come. Keep tuned.
Thanks to all for the input.


Active Member
STFW? "Just Happen?"

How about a pic of the plant !!!!

Polyploidy is considered RARE in Cannabis and Canna is not generally considered prone to abnormal cell division in mitoses or meiosis....

It can be done by chemical and that is very hard to do because the chemical is so toxic that plant and seed exposure may only supply a success at say maybe 1 in 100 if your lucky!

THIS is what Polyploid blooming looks like......

View attachment 3515999

View attachment 3516000

If your reading anything "Billy Bud" is saying on polyploid Canna......He's got a lot wrong..Like his claims of 2x the potency (up to 40%) in the plants them selves........I saw a poly plant in the late 70's to maybe 81 or 82......Nice looking plant - we could not try it! It was a chem treated plant and it had to be reversed or breed to get to the next off spring to be safe to consume.

I see this thread is old,,,here's mine from take down this week, I'm not gonna argue the science, we just called it "franken-nug"...lol
STFW? "Just Happen?"

How about a pic of the plant !!!!

Polyploidy is considered RARE in Cannabis and Canna is not generally considered prone to abnormal cell division in mitoses or meiosis....

It can be done by chemical and that is very hard to do because the chemical is so toxic that plant and seed exposure may only supply a success at say maybe 1 in 100 if your lucky!

THIS is what Polyploid blooming looks like......

View attachment 3515999

View attachment 3516000

If your reading anything "Billy Bud" is saying on polyploid Canna......He's got a lot wrong..Like his claims of 2x the potency (up to 40%) in the plants them selves........I saw a poly plant in the late 70's to maybe 81 or 82......Nice looking plant - we could not try it! It was a chem treated plant and it had to be reversed or breed to get to the next off spring to be safe to consume.

I see this thread is 5 years old oh, don't know if you were still on the site, but here's mine from this week's take down, not going to argue the science, we just called it Franken-nug


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I see this thread is old,,,here's mine from take down this week, I'm not gonna argue the science, we just called it "franken-nug"...lol

I see this thread is 5 years old oh, don't know if you were still on the site, but here's mine from this week's take down, not going to argue the science, we just called it Franken-nug

Did that grow at a spot where you tried to FIM?

Looks a lot like it.

I got a plant know that was FIMed and she is likely to produce something along that line. The plant ran several different branch's from it. Some of those simply shot out groups of very tight branching that may well end up looking like that.

I've seen that before at topping points. Especially from FIM topping!


Active Member
Did that grow at a spot where you tried to FIM?

Looks a lot like it.

I got a plant know that was FIMed and she is likely to produce something along that line. The plant ran several different branch's from it. Some of those simply shot out groups of very tight branching that may well end up looking like that.

I've seen that before at topping points. Especially from FIM topping!
No, it was due to being a tri-leaf baby, did topping not fim,,, two of the mains had 2x wide branches, like they were fused together, and the third had the double headed cola,,,,it's all new to me first grow and all


Active Member
STFW? "Just Happen?"

How about a pic of the plant !!!!

Polyploidy is considered RARE in Cannabis and Canna is not generally considered prone to abnormal cell division in mitoses or meiosis....

It can be done by chemical and that is very hard to do because the chemical is so toxic that plant and seed exposure may only supply a success at say maybe 1 in 100 if your lucky!

THIS is what Polyploid blooming looks like......

View attachment 3515999

View attachment 3516000

If your reading anything "Billy Bud" is saying on polyploid Canna......He's got a lot wrong..Like his claims of 2x the potency (up to 40%) in the plants them selves........I saw a poly plant in the late 70's to maybe 81 or 82......Nice looking plant - we could not try it! It was a chem treated plant and it had to be reversed or breed to get to the next off spring to be safe to consume.


