pool ph down.


Active Member
can I use pool ph down? there isn't many grow stores with in 100 miles of me so was wondering if pool PH down would work says only chemicals in it are..

sodium hydrogensulphate at 93%

sodium sulphate at 7%
Yeah, anything related to table salt is a no go. They make that pool stuff so things won't grow in it. Keeping the water clean and sparkly.
Muriatic acid can be found at any hardware store or home center. Maybe a farm supply. Only need a few drops per gallon of water depending of course on pH. Highly toxic and corrosive. Do not breathe or get on you. Once diluted in water it's perfectly harmless. I bought a gallon and funneled 1 oz into an eye dropper bottle that's lasted months.
just go get a bottle of tetra ph correct from a pet store or even walmart in their pet department will have it. made to keep your fish tanks ph in check. its cost 3-4bucks.