ORALEthe reason i asked is i was in el monte flores for some time i knew right off the bat you did or used to bang no big deal really everyone i think has in some way or another
LOLMJ is the reason i ended up in the jail system LOL
LOLDamn jura LOL
yea but aint like dropping some stink nuggets high as fuck to the point your going in and out of reality on the shitterFunny thread.... (except for the jail part).
A cig works as well...maybe better.
mine is usually heroin induced i put the blunt in heroin that's been heated then roll bud with a small 1/4 G coke on top of the budI've fallen asleep on the crapper and even slept next to it but that was alcohol induced.
get high and poop its such a smooth ride and this isnt a joke just a tip
mine is usually heroin induced i put the blunt in heroin that's been heated then roll bud with a small 1/4 G coke on top of the bud
no wonder your semi retarded.
Fuck you why even comment if your gonna talk shit. BTW i'm 19.no wonder your semi retarded.
Well fellowes you do show your age, no offence. When you said you put H and coke in a blunt( which is a speedball). Any hard drug user would not waste it dusting a blunt, they would sniff it. So how much H did you use? A packet? A bundle?
Speedballs were all the rage in the 70's.....