Poor, impoverished Hullary

Chelsea is downright UGLY.

whatever you say, red.


i'm sure the $10 blowjobs yiou get are much more high quality.
go ahead and check what i've said.

i criticize that numbnuts on her dipshit policies, persecution complex, and love of bigotry.

literally 30 seconds of search, please get fucking real.

just like palin's jiggly cellulite and 5-kids-wide vagina that would likely produce quite the impressive echo.

ahhh, subtle racism.

i would bang michelle before i would bang palin.

thus, michelle > palin (> = better than)

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You know what disturbs me about hillary??

As she gets older her eyes continue to bug out of her head and she looks at you behind these slitted eyelids until she wants to make a point and then her eyelids pop open and her eyeballs pop out and she lurches forward like some demented vampire...

Freaks me out...

link an example.