Poorly plant


Guys, can you have a quick look at these pics and give me your thoughts. Noticed some of the leaves yellowing with this dark speckling on them. i dont foliar feed or anything. Is it a lock out of nutes or too many?? im baffled!!


Well-Known Member
No way to tell if too much nute or lock up from pics. What and how often do you feed? What kind of soil? Can you test the Ph of your water runoff?


No way to tell if too much nute or lock up from pics. What and how often do you feed? What kind of soil? Can you test the Ph of your water runoff?
Canna Coco noir, with canna coco A&B roughly feed every two days when Coco is dry, humidity is in low twenties so feeding often.. Temp is steady 27-28c with light on and 17-20c in dark cycle...400w hps light 18'' from canopy
..unfortunalty havnt got a PH tester kit :(


The leaves feel dry although i'm feeding often so i was thinking it could possibly be a heat or nute burn issue, although light is opt distance and temp, with adequate ventilation..6 inch extractor with circulatory fan inside


Well-Known Member
With what you have mentioned, I would find a way to check your soil PH first, before trying to feed anything more.


yeah suppose ill just need to get a disposable PH tester kit and go from there..feeding on plain water at the moment because i had noticed these symptoms


Well-Known Member
One of the first things I learned about coco was the ph is all important! It needs to be at 5.8 and another thing is don't let the coco dry out. It builds salts real quick when it dries and also can fluctuate ph tremendously. I put a very small amount of perlite in my coco and usually water when I see the top starting to dry a little. Treat it more like rock wool than dirt it's important to keep the medium moist at all times it also allows salts to not build up as easy.

I'd pick a up a meter for ph and I'm sure some of your probs will diminish


One of the first things I learned about coco was the ph is all important! It needs to be at 5.8 and another thing is don't let the coco dry out. It builds salts real quick when it dries and also can fluctuate ph tremendously. I put a very small amount of perlite in my coco and usually water when I see the top starting to dry a little. Treat it more like rock wool than dirt it's important to keep the medium moist at all times it also allows salts to not build up as easy.

I'd pick a up a meter for ph and I'm sure some of your probs will diminish
Thanks, that might be relevant because i am allowing it to dry out rather than just the top, with the worry of over watering..as i said the leaves do feel dry. Never used Coco before but i have noticed how fast it dries...either that or my plants are hungry buggers!! so you say 5.8? okay ill pick up a PH kit. Cheers pal


Well-Known Member
Canna Coco noir, with canna coco A&B roughly feed every two days when Coco is dry, humidity is in low twenties so feeding often.. Temp is steady 27-28c with light on and 17-20c in dark cycle...400w hps light 18'' from canopy
..unfortunalty havnt got a PH tester kit :(
growing in coco a decent PH tester is one of the FIRST investments you should make. you can get the drop and colo compare style for fairly cheap along with a decent sized bottle of PH up&down


i mean 15 bucks cant beat it


Well-Known Member
Yea it's weird when first running but if your not soaking the medium too much never have to worry about overwatering. It can only retain so much but if it isn't retaining enough water you'll start to have some problems. Which yours by mo means are big just some minor adjustments and you'll be off and running.

Swing on the spiral Brutha
Beuffer 420