The non flowering non dark plants and clones only change is size. Plant#2 will go into the dark next along with what ever clones I keep idk if I want my top from plant#2 as a mom or a dark.
I'm only going to post the flowering plants. That's only 3. I'll post them all ina few days when I put plant #1 in the dark
Plant#6((fim included))
Front view plant 6
Just a bud
Canape view
Plant#4 I think I'm done with her tricks
Plant#4 front view
So I did not put plant #2 in the dark today but I got pics of all plants and clones. So sit tight...
so yeah I do see that she has been pollinated. It's sad that she will have seeds. But at least she is a she... Am I right...
she is my #bam ((bad a@@ mom)) she is not in flowering. And I don't think I'll be cloning her again she will get some low stress training done tomorrow and put in on Sunday.
So here are the last pictures. Plant #2, all the non flowering clones and #2 . Lastly is pictures of some roots idk why I just thought to h*** with it.
Just a quick morning post cuz well I can. It's only 4 plants. I'm only giving you guys the flowing plants today's and the one in the dark. Also included is a group picture of the flowering garden. I posted the other little gardens last night but skipped out on these last night.
This is plant #1 she is going to get some low stress training today along with plant#2 who is not being pictured this morning. And I'm sorry people if my pictures get annoying I just don't want anyone to miss anything. I guess you can say I'm doing a open ended grow. Plant#3 this one is not in the flowering stage yet. She is still in the first stage of the process. She is starting to get some white hairs but still needs time to get there. I hate the waiting game... It takes to long...
Here is plant#4 she gave me h*** the hole time she was growing. She is now doing what I need her to thanks to low stress training. I suggest this to anyone who wants to be able to manage there indoor garden weather they have a big space or small.
So here is plant#6. I can't say she is the best looking bush. But she is doing ok. She is my ugly duckling. Everyone has one. The difference is I'm not afraid to show mine off ugly or not she is mine.
!!!!Lady's and gentlemen growers of roll it up The pictures you all been waiting for, the pictures that make it all come together. The group picture of the flowering plants!!!enjoy!!! vibrantly beautiful. Sea of green with flowers so white. How you'll make me sleep at night I can't wait...
Well I'm only posting the flowering plants and the dark one. I don't really see a point in showing the clones or the mom's everyday not yet anyway. I'll continue with the every other day like I been doing.
Here is plant #1. Her buds are looking pretty... She coloring looks good still. I have yet to give her anything except tap water.
Plant#3 I see white hairs... More and more everyday.she looks healthy. Her color looks good also only tap water