Popcorn Suttons White Whiskey

Hey guys has anyone tried this??? I watched show on discovery channel and was wondering where I could pick up a bottle. I believe it's only sold in Tennessee any members from tn willing to ship a few bottles?
No, I guess it's a big to do when it comes to shipping alcohol. No stores will ship one store says mason jar only wtf is that, contents dumped out?


Well-Known Member
No, I guess it's a big to do when it comes to shipping alcohol. No stores will ship one store says mason jar only wtf is that, contents dumped out?

Geez...they could throw it in a fucking wine box for you...I guess everyone has to cover their own ass though. I hope you manage to get some, good luck.


Well-Known Member
If your looking for moonshine check Bevmo or Total Wine. There are legit distillers that sell moonshine, look in the whiskey section. Often comes in a mason jar like this


Well-Known Member
I would really like to get my hands on some but I'm in philly. I've got a lot of respect for anyone who spends their whole life perfecting something, that takes true dedication
I hated too see he shot himself..but you gotta figure he probably wouldnt have survived in jail. I've never had his whiskey but come by my neck of the woods if your ever in Kentucky and i'll let you try some of our damn good shine.