poplars outdoor 2011 grow journal


Well-Known Member
For flowering last year I bought a 50# bag of dry feed molasses for like $12 bucks. I spread it around the ground. Like a couple of handfuls per plant. I'd go back and reapply (like once or twice before harvest) after a rain or 2 (depending on how "drenching" a rain it was). The plants all got nice and frosty. Not sure if it was the genetics or the molasses, but I'll do it again this year just in case! lol

As far as vegging goes.......I have to admit that I take the non-organic route and sprinkle a line of ammonia nitrate around the outer perimiter of each plant's hole. That way when it rains the ammonia nitrate washes down thru the loose soil toward the most outer growing roots. An old timer advised me of these 2 tips last season. Both pretty cheap (less than 30 dollars for both bags at the local feed store) and add a boost in their own way to the 2 stages.


Well-Known Member
honestly I'm most concerned about the flowering nutes vs the veg nutes... I'm going to have VERY rich soil... and veg nutes are a lot easier to do than flowering... a lot less touchy and the general goal is just grow... vs flowering nutes where you're ratios are the difference between big buds with no crystals and small crystally buds to anywhere in between . .. . I have started another thread on this to figure out what to do this year.

piney bob

Active Member
that is going to be a nice garden bud. one day mine will have a white fence too haha. I notice some veg in a circle arount your trunks. Is that to keep your trench from eroding?
Very cool, I will stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
that is going to be a nice garden bud. one day mine will have a white fence too haha. I notice some veg in a circle arount your trunks. Is that to keep your trench from eroding?
Very cool, I will stay tuned.
nah that's just because I did holes in an area that naturally had grass.. now i tilled up the entire area. except for an outline for the fence (there may be a lil bit of grass on the edges too...

but that's cool, the bit of grass I left on the edges will probably stop the erosion !


Moderatrix of Journals

i love OD. and no, i'm not jealous of your norcal climate ONE LOUSY BIT whilst freezing my ass off. lol.


Well-Known Member
What are you using for Insect controll this year?
Grasshoppers kicked my ass last year, lost a couple to them.


Well-Known Member
What are you using for Insect controll this year?
Grasshoppers kicked my ass last year, lost a couple to them.
well luckilly for me the climate is VERY naturally insect controlled.

bud worms arent possible because whenever a moth lays eggs on a plant out here I see these little beatles attack them within 5 mins.

now with grasshoppers, I only see ONE or two on my plant a week maybe, they probably eat about 5 leaves total out of my garden every year... so that isn't a problem either.

the only other bug I get are thrips, and they can't really take over because the climate is so harsh, no mold here either.

the only things I worry about are when the frost is gonna come, if I'm feeding enough, and if someones gonna try to rob me.


Well-Known Member
oh and if you all didn't already guess this is a 100% legit medical grow.

just thought I'd mention that.


Well-Known Member
Wow deff subbed up for this one cause it looks like it is going to be a doosy lol. good luck man i will be watching!!!


Looks like a nice little area...2011 is going to be great! Look forward to watching your thread. Check out my pics from last year...It was a pretty good harvest for a first timer.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Hey pops check out my indoor!

Day 32 from seed tangerine dream

How big are you vegging your indoor ladies to? Any pics of those?


Well-Known Member
yeah but I'm very lazy about pics at this stage in the game... they're looking very nice.

I veg medium size, try to keep their growth slowish by the time it's time to clone for the 12 plants going in towards summer. I've been collecting pollen from a sour kush male and am planning on doing a little CFL flowering grow to make some security seeds just in case my pollen doesn't last 5 or 6 months..

I'm using silica gel packs to keep the pollen dry as well. I probably have accumulated enough pollen to make 40 seeds or more if I distributed it right.


Well-Known Member
You could also brew some high phos guano teas With other added organics. I bet that would work good as anything.
Ya also would Want some bene microbes/ bac. Worked in with the other amendments your planning. I like happy frog soil conditioner. Good shit !! With organics your not gonna get the same big yields as chem but boy will quality be up.


Well-Known Member
Bat guano is a very good fert for outdoor grows/ organic soil mix ins and then just make "tea" with it to water them. Nice and frosty they will get. Nice and frosty.