
I love this site so much . Never have I seen so much info proffered by people on all kinds of growing methods for a vast array of plants. We all know of course that this discussion on opium is merely for educational purposes . Growers accounts are indeed hypothetical . I just love the idea of growing opium but admittedly its all just a fantasy. I am sure others feel the same. We all can only dream.

That being said, if I was to embark on such a journey.....using my present 5x5 400w med cannabis grow area off season for a few months .....would it be possible to cultivate enough to satisfy my yearning to try the stuff for a couple of times.......a seasonal treat so to speak ......I know it is obviously inefficient compared to cannabis yields .....but for those of us who will always wonder what it would be like to try opium .....and again not feel very inclined to frequent the shady side of town in doing so ....
Right on man!....this is all educational .....it would be great to from you on how your hypothetical opium grow went..... nobody here has or would intentionally grow poppies for opium consumption ...we are all just surmising ....
You know man there is a whole plethora of info on growing opium in many websites on the net. What is nice it that the info is freely given . You are way too paranoid about the whole thing. And that comes across so funny now. Check it out there are loadsa peeps talking about their exp on other sites . Here is a little bit high drama for my tastes.
You know man there is a whole plethora of info on growing opium in many websites on the net. What is nice it that the info is freely given . You are way too paranoid about the whole thing. And that comes across so funny now. Check it out there are loadsa peeps talking about their exp on other sites . Here is a little bit high drama for my tastes.

lol I'm sorry it bothers you the fact that I'm not going to incriminate myself. I grow cannabis medicinally, and I even have inner termoil in my head about whether or not I should share the information of my grow with you guys online.... so there's no way I'm gonna go into anything more uncertain..

besides, if there's such a plethora of information out there, why must you bother me? why is my informaiton so much better than anyone elses??? I"m good bro.
lol theirs some great books out their for those guys that are really interested in it all
If one were to hypothetically wish to learn more about poppies and their cultivation, where would one hypothetically turn to for viable seed? Just askin'. I hear that if you get poppy seed at the grocer, some will germinate. A) is this the wrong strain and B) is this info correct?
If one were to hypothetically wish to learn more about poppies and their cultivation, where would one hypothetically turn to for viable seed? Just askin'. I hear that if you get poppy seed at the grocer, some will germinate. A) is this the wrong strain and B) is this info correct?

I'm in a different hemisphere to you and even I know that there are Canadian seedbanks that sell the somniferum that you desire.

EDIT eg. http://www.vancouverseedbank.ca/index.php
If one were to hypothetically wish to learn more about poppies and their cultivation, where would one hypothetically turn to for viable seed? Just askin'. I hear that if you get poppy seed at the grocer, some will germinate. A) is this the wrong strain and B) is this info correct?

They work fine, many will germinate and yes, they are the right "strain" almost invariably unless something has changed in the food industry since I took part in such a thing.
I thought seeds were treated and washed for supermarket packs now, at least in Australia I think that's the case. I even think they were going to change to Papaver Bracteatum seeds instead of somniferum for supermarket poppy seeds, which are useless for us.

Anyway link for aussies interested http://shaman-australis.com.au/
Poppie seed tea really is dangerous.

yes and no

yes its dangerous when you dont know what or who is doing the growing of the poppy's

no it isnt if you know where your poppy seeds are comming from (local farmers market) and the guy doesnt spray shit on them
So after reading most of this post, I got to thinking and was curious If I grew poppys in my front yard, If anyone would really notice or even care? I cant really see the cops coming and arresting me over some flowers in my gardin? And most people dont really know what poppys even look like?
Haha, I was thinking of growing some coca plants in my back yard with that same thought in mind. No one knows what a coca plant looks like. Im sure if I planted them as decoration in my yard, no one would even know? If they asked ill just say I got them from Home Depot :)
yes and no

yes its dangerous when you dont know what or who is doing the growing of the poppy's

no it isnt if you know where your poppy seeds are comming from (local farmers market) and the guy doesnt spray shit on them

Plus - it is gross.
So after reading most of this post, I got to thinking and was curious If I grew poppys in my front yard, If anyone would really notice or even care? I cant really see the cops coming and arresting me over some flowers in my gardin? And most people dont really know what poppys even look like?
Haha, I was thinking of growing some coca plants in my back yard with that same thought in mind. No one knows what a coca plant looks like. Im sure if I planted them as decoration in my yard, no one would even know? If they asked ill just say I got them from Home Depot :)

I have done it for years - it really isn't a big deal, although it is more of one now what with all the artsy pictures of Afghanisant fields of pods. You get into undsiputed trouble if you leave evidence of lanced pods in your front yard - best to just pick them when they are ripe.
005.jpgpapaver somniferum is one of my garden favorites. about 30 in a raised bed, and guerrilla grow elsewhere. mites got me bad last year. so did human intervention