Poppin My Own Cherry (eeewww)...LowLife Auto AK47


Well-Known Member
Thanks again Cheddar. Hope you're enjoying yourself. Vacation right?

I waited a little longer than I first planned to pollenate, had inlaws in my house for Easter so I'll be yanking my best girl and giving her the good stuff this afternoon.
ha vacation! well technically yeah, but im upto my eyeballs doing work and stuff, its pretty much sucking ass......but get some barry white playing by candle light and let rip the pollen on her tender moist and wanting pistils....hahaha goodluck my friend! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well it's been a bit of a bad week for the ladies. I must have gone too long between nute feedings as they all seem to be showing some deficiencies. Gave them a 3/4 strength feeding late yesterday and they appear to be springing back with a vengeance. I guess they were never really doing too badly, they just got some ugly leaves. Buds are fattening up and plants are still branching out.

Pollination seems to be successful as the pistils on the selected sites have darkened and seem to be dying. If the nutrient deficiencies don't continue to improve, I'll post some close-ups here and in the plant problems forum and see if we can't get these bitches sorted out.



Well-Known Member
nice man! my plant has got quite a few yellow fan leaves, some were getting necrosis so i lobbed them off, im 80 percent sure that its due to the flower but ill let you know what happens , keep up the good work man :)


Well-Known Member
looks effin great man,keep up the great work:hump:
Thanks wacky, I appreciate you sticking around and following the grow.

nice man! my plant has got quite a few yellow fan leaves, some were getting necrosis so i lobbed them off, im 80 percent sure that its due to the flower but ill let you know what happens , keep up the good work man :)
Good to have you back cheddar, they may be a little ugly but the buds are getting fat and man do they stink. A couple of buddies of mine that are following the grow are shocked at what I've got going on here...and theyve both been around the block with this sort of endeavor.

interesting to see the difference between lr2 and the ak breeding
Everything on this grow has been a new experience...from the problems to the highpoint of just going down and pampering those little ladies. It's definitely wet my appetite for other strains.

nice grow man, i love your setup, where did you get that carbon filter?
Thanks stranger, most of my hardware came from HTG supply, including the carbon filter. Good fellas, quick with everything...always packed carefully and actually have decent phone support. They've been friendly and always provide enthusiastic information on the equipment they sell. If you're putting something together for yourself...you could do a lot worse than to give them your business. The fan is a Panasonic WhisperLine and I used a reducer and duct tape to bring it all together. Stick around the journal if you care to.


Well-Known Member
your welcome,theyre just beautiful. theyre filling out nicely. you should hit around 5oz dry. your gonna scream when you burp them. the pungent smell is gonna knock you on your ass. it will smell so great. it will be a rush of exotic scents that will overwhelm you with desire and pleasure. you will remember ever grow that you burped. you will be able to recall the scent even if you dont have weed


New Member
So, aren't you height limited with your cabinet. Maybe lowrider would be good. My White widow, one plant, would have filled that whole cabinet and every time I opened the door it would be trying to get out. I posted a pic, long ago, it was a monster. I had to quit as my grandkids were getting to the age of discovery. BTW those are healthy looking plants, small but healthy. I got 14 OZs off of one white widow plant, dried buds.


Well-Known Member
So, aren't you height limited with your cabinet. Maybe lowrider would be good. My White widow, one plant, would have filled that whole cabinet and every time I opened the door it would be trying to get out. I posted a pic, long ago, it was a monster. I had to quit as my grandkids were getting to the age of discovery. BTW those are healthy looking plants, small but healthy. I got 14 OZs off of one white widow plant, dried buds.
Solid. I built the cab to start with autos, hoping to eventually try my hand at a small SOG of Northern Lights or White Widow. The cab is 4' X 4' X 6' internally, light and pots restrict the height to about 5' minus safe space between bulb and plants. I figure I could grow a couple of plants up to 4' tall if I go that way.

My next grow is going to be a little more aggressive, going to try to start about 18 auto seeds and hopefully end up with 9 ladies. I had no idea at the start of this, if I'd even make it this far.

Thanks for lookin' in brother.


Well-Known Member
hey man how are the plants doing? when i have a bit more time i might consider trying see of green late this year or next year....would be fun :) although autos are perfect for a low maintenance grow how old are your plants again?


Well-Known Member
Howdy Cheddar,

All the little girls are doing well so far. I'm at day 54, I was planning on doing an update with some photos today. The last few days I've been working with a buddy to get the humidity levels down for flowering. Went out and spent $300 on a good dehumidifier and sure enough it easily got my RH down to 38. The problem is it raised my temps up to 85 to 93F, and I can't have that.

So that's where I'm at, I need to get my RH down by about 20 without raising my temps. I can't just increase my airflow in the cab because the humidity is coming from the basement air, not from the plants or anything inside the cab. I'm thinking of a window mount style air-conditioner since they have a dehumidifying mode and most of the heat would be exhausted outside the cab. I dunno, I'm still trying to work it out. All I know for sure is summer is coming and our humidity is usually in the 80's and above...that ain't gonna fly.


Well-Known Member
Greetings all,

Girls seem to being rolling along nicely. Decided to return the humidifier, running the exhaust fan 24/7 now and have the oscillating fan turned up, hopefully that will keep the air moving enough that I don't get the moldy crud with my 47% to 65% humidity.

Got rid of some of the dead and dying fan leaves, only took the ones that were way gone or crispy. They got a full strength feeding right after the photos were taken. I'm right about 2 weeks out from the scheduled harvest date, however I plan on going until I have some amber trics for a nice couch-lock high. I'll be picking up a loupe or one of those Radio Shack microscopes this week.

Comments and/or constructive criticism welcome.


gezzy da snowman

Well-Known Member
hey i have some auto white russian coming into day 32 what light cycle are you using for blooming 12/12 or should i leave it at 18/6 for the entire time


Well-Known Member
hey i have some auto white russian coming into day 32 what light cycle are you using for blooming 12/12 or should i leave it at 18/6 for the entire time
If you've run it 18/6 from seed then stick with it for the entire grow. I see alot of light cycles recommended (20/4,18/6,24/0) which is great, I'll probably try different cycles to experiment. However, whenever I see a different cycle being discussed, they always run it the entire grow.

The autos have been fun as a first grow. They seem to be pretty hardy and if you take some time and get everything ready before you start, they haven't offered too many surprises. Definitely the perfect starter plant for me to get my feet wet with. Since my odor control is working so damn well, I'm thinking of doing a run of AK47's and an equal number of Diesel ryders.


Well-Known Member
hey man, had a small test bud of my AK and it was a fucking head killer.... cant wait for the final product :) your babies are looking tastey!;P

gezzy da snowman

Well-Known Member
ok i might nag you a bit looks like you know your stuff

are u using flo's if so did u get bloom bulbs for when they flowered

my biggest one is showing white hairs should i switch to bloom nutes any
help would be great man


Well-Known Member
ok i might nag you a bit looks like you know your stuff

are u using flo's if so did u get bloom bulbs for when they flowered

my biggest one is showing white hairs should i switch to bloom nutes any
help would be great man
Well, going by your earlier post you are on day 34. If that is the case you should definitely be using bloom bulbs by now. I am currently under a 400w HPS, but I started under a T5 and do have bloom bulbs for it.

Again, if you are at day 34, then I would say you should be using your bloom nutes by now as well. The autos have a VERY short vegetive stage, most should be showing their sex by day 17 - 21 or so.

I have referred back to this material several times, it may help you out. Here is the link. http://www.420source.com/post/207