Popping My Grow Cherry

IMAG0031.jpgIMAG0030.jpgIMAG0029.jpgOk so this is my first crack at it. I am 100% a newbie to this and have 6 unknown strains growing in my floor closet. They are about 3 weeks into vegetation and I am asking you guys for your input on what you think I need to do differently or should do on top of what I have already been doing! So far I have been keeping them under light 24hrs a day and just simply watering them. The one thing that I am concerned with is the fact that their stems are super flimsy, they are about 6 inches tall! I will have to get some pictures up of the grow, but I was just curious about what you guys think could help? I have not put a fan of any sort in this room yet, I know I need one! Another question I have is about the ventilation, do you I need air ventilation from the outside? I am only running two lights right now, 3 under each light! Please fill my brain full of helpful hints and tips! Thanks all!


Active Member
get a fan, will strengthen the stalk, at this stage just dont stiffle them, good airflow and regular temps at the mo.

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
Stems tall = stretching for light caused by not having enough light
stems flimsy = caused by the stretching
Solution: use popsicle sticks and a twist tie or piece of string to make a brace, when first planting seeds only fill your container halfway with soil so if this happens you can add more soil around the main stem in the container to shorten the stem coming out of the soil thus making the plant less top heavy, also run a decent fan at all times because the breeze against your plants will help to strengthen the main stem.

Fans = keeps stagnate air from your grow space and provides fresh co2 for your plants, sturdys the stem.
Light schedule = sprout stage 24 on 0 off
Week 2-4 veg stage 18 on 6 off
rest of growth flowering 12 on 12 off

Exhausting your space is necessity for getting rid of smells that could potentially lure thieves or snitches
Just put those 3 photos up! I am pretty sure that we had the light too far away as you can tell by our tiny little stems...oops! We just replanted these bigger two plants into 5 gal bags and tried burying the stems a bit! Let me know if something looks fishy with the plants! Thanks!