Poppy seeds


Well-Known Member
my opiate head friend wants to know where to get seeds and shit to know about growing them. help him out if ya want idc really opiates arnt that great.


Well-Known Member
You don't know what you're talking about. Opiates are the best pain meds EVER.

Seeds can be obtained nearly anywhere. You just need to get the proper genus/species. Papaver somniferum.


Active Member
it's easier to buy pods and make a tea out of it than grow your own. I recently did a search on ebay, and found lots of pots on there for about $1 each, in groups of 20-40, up to 200.

However, you can also get papaver somniferum seeds on ebay, ethnobotanicals.com, bouncingbearbotanicals.com.... Type it into a search engine and choose your destination. Seeds are dirt fuckin cheap. Typically 500 seeds will cost you $5.


Well-Known Member
They are seeds that contain opium. Use can use them to make tea as someone else said. They are very cheap.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
shit man.. they grow like fire, and then you have a ton of pods that you can
1) harvest opium from
2) make tea from

just make sure they are Papaver Somniferum (opium poppies).


Well-Known Member
not so much as a trip as it is just a feeling. never drank tea but ive smoked opium, i mean its a drug, every single drug is different and its hard to explain exactly. But i think most people would agree its like eating other opiates or opoids (splol)