poppys everything you need to know

I didnt read all of this because some of the info that i did read was comletely wrong.
Such as "pulling back the flower petals as soon as the flower opens to expose the green"
First of all, Opium isnt created in the seed pod until after the flowering stage is finnished. Anything you extract before that phase will be mostly plant sugars and other plant hormones that do have some mild pain killing effects when used as a tea, but doesnt contain much morphine and codeine.
Secondly, its important to sun dry it. Sitting in the air and sunlight causes a chemical reaction within the resin.
Thirdly, the best way to get it off of the plant itself is to use a damp sterile cloth.
Once you are finnished harvesting, soak cloth in a slow cooker, remove and squeeze as much out of the cloth as possible, set over night and all the plant matter that you dont want will gather on the top of the liquid.
Strain through cheese cloth. Discard captured plant material with cheese cloth.
Put remaining water back in slow cooker, evaporate water until it becomes a thicker, muddy liquid.
Then set in the sun until it becomes a black tar substance.

After this first process you are left with "Opium Resin"
This can be further processed into Morphine salt, Morphine, and then finally, diacetylmorphine aka Heroin.
bad advice sorry
I didnt read all of this because some of the info that i did read was comletely wrong.
Such as "pulling back the flower petals as soon as the flower opens to expose the green"
First of all, Opium isnt created in the seed pod until after the flowering stage is finnished. Anything you extract before that phase will be mostly plant sugars and other plant hormones that do have some mild pain killing effects when used as a tea, but doesnt contain much morphine and codeine.
Secondly, its important to sun dry it. Sitting in the air and sunlight causes a chemical reaction within the resin.
Thirdly, the best way to get it off of the plant itself is to use a damp sterile cloth.
Once you are finnished harvesting, soak cloth in a slow cooker, remove and squeeze as much out of the cloth as possible, set over night and all the plant matter that you dont want will gather on the top of the liquid.
Strain through cheese cloth. Discard captured plant material with cheese cloth.
Put remaining water back in slow cooker, evaporate water until it becomes a thicker, muddy liquid.
Then set in the sun until it becomes a black tar substance.

After this first process you are left with "Opium Resin"
This can be further processed into Morphine salt, Morphine, and then finally, diacetylmorphine aka Heroin.
by week 4 of the plant growing u can find opiates the seed pod does form in the pods acutally soon as the plant flowering it is present it builds up the longer the plant had time to muture running from the root system up wet cloth u will lose about 30-40 % of what u gather so lancing and flat knife collection is best 3rd sun drying opium is the best way but when u have over 10 ltrs of opium solution a boil off at 60-80 c works fine with little to none degrading
Extremely interesting thread, thanks to all!

An odd question, perhaps two: for those making poppyseed tea, have any used reusable Keurig cups for the purpose? And does one want to crush the seeds or leave them intact during the process?
Extremely interesting thread, thanks to all!

An odd question, perhaps two: for those making poppyseed tea, have any used reusable Keurig cups for the purpose? And does one want to crush the seeds or leave them intact during the process?

Seed tea is dangerous.

I would find some other method of injestion.

See, apparently the seeds only have what opium is leaked or bled onto them while they are in the pods.

This means you must use a lot of seeds. If you use a lot of seeds you cannot be sure of the potency from one batch to the next.

It is unwise to use tea of unknown potency.
Thank you, cannado, I’ll remember that.

Good. You can make poppy pod tea or poppy straw tea all day long and never get close to a serious over dose. After the first two or three times you get a real appreciation for how much is too much.

Years ago I acquired some pods that were literally dripping with hard black streaks. I lament not having chipped them off but instead I made tea for my wife and me. Five poppies.. just to see, maybe get a little nod.

An hour later we were competing for the bathroom, yacking and spinning.

After we cut it back to two pods total, we were good. Had that been a seed tea we might have just stopped breathing and my family would be making public service statements about how poppy seeds kill

Oh, the place I got the pods went out of business shortly thereafter. I suspect they were using their own product.
The only seeds I’ve used have been from the spice rack at the grocery; achieved some sleepiness, some pain relief, but I won’t continue, per your advice