Porch-bound Master Kush


Hey, I was just curious if my plants are the size/shape/color they should be for how long they have been growing. These plants were started from seed, indoors, and grown for 25 days inside. They were quite dense, and my wife was complaining about the smell, so I moved them onto the porch. It's still kinda cold where I am, and they dont get full sunlight - in fact, they only have direct sun about 4 hours a day, but seem to be doing fine... I think. Please, I need some feedback / assurance I'm not screwing this up. I have 4 plants - 3 are master kush, and 1 is unknown. The unknown is TINY when compared to the MK plants. I'm a medical patient.

This is my first grow, and I have some pictures:



~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Lookin good bro, Id find a spot that gets a little more sunlight per day, and maybe a little bigger pots pretty soon.


Thanks - I have some large 13 gallon clay pots to put them in, but I want to wait until I know the sex of the plants. Because I don't have a yard, there really isn't a way to get them any more light than they are getting now, except for maybe on the roof of my condo (which isn't going to happen, sadly, since the police chief lives about a 50 yards from me).

Does anyone know how long it takes master kush to show preflowers? Also, is there any way to determine the strain of my "unknown" plant, short of guessing based on the taste of the product?


I noticed this on my plant today... two of the 4 have these little green nubs on them - are they the beginnings of preflowers, or something else? T




Active Member
you in flower yet?? if not looks like just another branch coming on...thats a good thing fa sho...when ya see balls you can start shitting yourself


Nah I'm not in flower yet - I'm not really sure when that will even be since they are now outside plants. These were planted by seed 33 days ago. It's probably just me being impatient and wanting to know everything instantly.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Should be just a small limb growing but hard to say, give it a day or so then you will be able to tell.


Undercover Mod
limb? It is starting to show sex. You should know in a fewdays to a week whether it is female or not.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Doesnt look like 2 hairs or a pod to me , will just have to wait and see. He just put it outdoors, I just dont think its showing sex unless he had it under 12/12 b4 he put it outside. Only time will tale I guess. I just see no need in jumping to conclusion that it is showing sex until you are sure that its hairs or a pod....


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Now Now, i just put 5 outside and none of them are showing sex. If the days are long enough it wont show you anything until days shorten up. If you put it out in early March it will sex its self and then maybe continue to flower if it has enough Indica in it, up until 14 or more hours of light per day or so.
It could be pre-flower but we wont know for a day or so.


Thanks for the replies dudes. I will check it when I get home from work, and post more pictures as it developes. I really hope I don't have 4 male plants... The unknown strain on the little one is actually "hash spice" - has anyone here ever tried that type, or grown it?


So, my plants have been outdoors for a while now, but they are getting very tall and not very bushy. I was wondering if I should trim them in some way to make them become more bushy and less skinny. Here are some pics of a few of them to give you an idea of what I mean. pictures 1, 3, and 4 are all Master Kush, #2 is bagseed.
