Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow


New Member
looks good bro. I say they will be budding soon, it isnt quite time for flowering outdoors yet most places in the us. It looks like your plants are getting ready for it to happen soon though so be prepared with some flowering food for em. Youll need something phosperous rich if you want them to do well. Miracle grow bloom booster food works fine for that as long as you go easy with it.
Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
i posted a picture of the male i axed.

i got a couple more that look like it, looks like a male to me.

but im still noob. will you guys confirm?



Well-Known Member
Down to about 15 plants.

3 have yet to show sex, and the rest are female.

im pretty happy with the way things are coming. the hairs are a sight for sore eyes! how many weeks before harvest you guys think? 8? 10?

when there are more than 2 in a spot ill get some close ups.

in the mean time check my hashberry thread for a couple shots of my indoor nugs!



Active Member
I dunno why these guys are messing with you dude, i gotta say thats a pretty good job for a porch grow take a second to pat yourself on the back you accomplished alot for starting out with nothing


New Member
Down to about 15 plants.

3 have yet to show sex, and the rest are female.

im pretty happy with the way things are coming. the hairs are a sight for sore eyes! how many weeks before harvest you guys think? 8? 10?

when there are more than 2 in a spot ill get some close ups.

in the mean time check my hashberry thread for a couple shots of my indoor nugs!
everything looks good as game to me man. I say that strain will prob run 12 weeks as well. You may luck out and get a shorter flowering time though...

I dunno why these guys are messing with you dude, i gotta say thats a pretty good job for a porch grow take a second to pat yourself on the back you accomplished alot for starting out with nothing
I must say about the same. His plants may have looked a bit better for him if he used nutes, But he has the right to grow weed without them.
I have one thats been given nothing but rainwater, Its chest high and doing just great. My whole point is that there are more than one way to do things...


Well-Known Member
the tops are changing to a lighter shade of green i imagine because of the flowering that has begun. im not positive.

if you mean the yellow leaves tho, they are just older fan leaves. im not worried about the lower ones. they are prolly yellow because of a lack of light. before i got rid of the males it was very bushy as you can see.


New Member
the tops are changing to a lighter shade of green i imagine because of the flowering that has begun. im not positive.

if you mean the yellow leaves tho, they are just older fan leaves. im not worried about the lower ones. they are prolly yellow because of a lack of light. before i got rid of the males it was very bushy as you can see.
they are also saying that they need a bit of nitrogen....
If you get red/purple tinted stems thats their way of saying that they need phosperous.


Well-Known Member

my friend gave me some seabird guano which i believe is 12 12 and 2.5? that sound right?

i added some to my tea, its potent stuff! forced a lot of hairs out of the preflowers in just one watering.

ill be taking some pics today probably. stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
ask and you shall receive!

apologies for the quality. my camera is the suck. id like to get a nicer one with a mono-pod.


check the hairs my friends! some are long and fat and some are tiny. cant even get a picture of em with the camera,

the guano added to my tea is definitely making a difference!

thanks for all the support from you guys in the last few pages, you are too kind!



Active Member
stretched and look horrible. kinda yellow also. stick em in the light somewhere and hopefully no one would steal em...


Well-Known Member
HAHA... sloanpro, that was a pretty dick thing to day. They look fine for something grown on a porch in his conditions! Also, i'd call this more of an experiment than anything... to see how it works growing in these conditions. And salmon does have a point... although he doesn't have a picture up, and I can't see your picture, I'd say that its likely he's not as ugly as you.

Those are some sexy pics of the hairs, keep us updated!
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