Porky's Pig Pen and Hog Heaven

The backyard is finally getting its bloom on! Most of the plants in the backyard will go until sometime in November.

This year we are upgrading to a better greenhouse structure, you can see the frame going up in this pic.

Its taller then it looks.

Here is a shot at ground level. That's an 8 foot ladder in the background.

The ATF plants are very healthy and starting to flower fast.

ATF close up.

The two UK Cheese plants are even further along.

And the unknown Blue Dots are starting to do their thing.

Closer shot of the blue dot.

Had a few cloudy days. Not too good for the plants. But there were some great sunsets.
I think I'm over feeding, with my teas. Once or twice a month is enough you think? your stuff looks great, and I'm still learning,but you do alot of the same stuff I do, but I've been feeding them teas like twice a week! I should cut that back huh?
BTW all i8s lookn' good there bud keep it up.

If you are just talking about compost teas made with a little worm casting/compost that you bubble for a day; it's impossible to over do it. But its a waste of time.

Now if you are talking about bat guano teas and such....then yes you can over do it, just like with any fertilizer. But in my opinion it's hard to over fertilize when it comes to really big plants and organics. And from what I've seen of your pics so far it looks like you are right on target.

I like to feed heavy right at the the transition to flowering stage on thru till mid flowering, then if everything looks healthy I back off to mostly water.

Things are looking good for an October harvest!


The Gorilla plants are filling out nicely.

Purple Gorilla in full bloom.

Next up...

The four ATF plants.

The ATF's are still in the early stages of flowering.

I love the cool pink pistils the ATF gets.

The two Space Bomb plants are finally flowering. Both these plants were after thoughts. One was put at the end of the Sour Diesel bed and one was put in a 45 gallon grow bag. (way too small) You can see them both in this shot. The Space Bomb in the 45 gal. grow bag looks nice....but it wanted to be twice as big as it is.

The Space Bomb I have seems to have a lot of sativa in it. Very lanky sparse growth.

While the yield is nothing to write home about - It has an awesome lemon smell and taste!

And finally the Purple Sour Diesel.

These will be the first plants done.

Well thats all for tonight.

I'll have fresh pics soon. These were last week's pictures.

gettin better and better.

its looking great man my mouth is watering. wish i could taste some of that stuff.

let me know if you need some help offing all that stuff. ;) would be honored to get my hands on some of that.
Well well well just look what I stumbled upon here. WOW those are some nice plants. Space bomb must be a difficult plant to grow for the one's trying to restrict height. Heh heh but I would love to grow a sativa one of these days. I do like the ATF you got going.
gettin better and better.

its looking great man my mouth is watering. wish i could taste some of that stuff.

let me know if you need some help offing all that stuff. ;) would be honored to get my hands on some of that.

Thanks for the offer! Unfortunately we got that end of it sewn up pretty tight these days.

You never know though in the future. As things get more legit. Maybe some day....:smile: (but not this year)
If you are just talking about compost teas made with a little worm casting/compost that you bubble for a day; it's impossible to over do it. But its a waste of time.

Now if you are talking about bat guano teas and such....then yes you can over do it, just like with any fertilizer. But in my opinion it's hard to over fertilize when it comes to really big plants and organics. And from what I've seen of your pics so far it looks like you are right on target.

I like to feed heavy right at the the transition to flowering stage on thru till mid flowering, then if everything looks healthy I back off to mostly water.


Yea ok, me too on feeding heavy early and backing off later. Yes, I'm talking Bat guano tea. I use Worm castings, kelp, fish emulsion, humus,bat guano, and a few other additives.
damn porky everything looks so good, i dont think i could choose a favorite bed or group of plants out of all those. thats some fine medicine! harvest is coming :hump:
Looking incredible! Harvest is looking exceptional this year for outdoors west-coast, hey!?
Looking incredible! Harvest is looking exceptional this year for outdoors west-coast, hey!?

The weather has been really good this year! With the exception of a few cloudy days (like today) it has been almost all sunshine and clear skies since mid June.

Just a few more weeks till the first plants start coming in. :-P
We finished building the greenhouse frame for the backyard and we have a cover waiting to go on it. All the plants in the backyard have at least a month to go, so they will have to be covered quite well. We could get a bit of snow by the end of October. :mad: But I am hoping our luck will hold and we will just get a little rain.


Here is a quick update on some of the backyard plants. Most of them are just now getting into full bloom.

The ATF plants still have at least a month to go.

The UK Cheese will be done first. (about 3 weeks)

I am not sure when the Blue Dots will be done as I have never grown it before. They are getting frosty tho!

Not really much else to show yet in this garden. Hog Heaven is where all the action is!

Hog Heaven update coming next.....
The garden is coming up on the home stretch. If nothing goes wrong over the next few weeks and if the weather stays nice we are going to have a sweet harvest!


There is going to be a lot of chopping to do!

The Space Bomb plants are starting to look nice. They are a full month behind everything else.

This one is starting to fill out nicely despite being in way too small of a grow bag.

I know I keep saying this.....but the lemon smell is awesome!

The Purple Sour Diesels are looking much better at this stage then the test plants from last year ever did!

And they still have a lot of swelling to do!

The Purple Gorilla's also look much better then last years test plants did. They seem to be blooming longer. I think it's because they are much healthier and the weather has been better this year.

As you can see....there is a lot of it!

There is not a bad bud in the whole batch.

Each one looks better then the next!

They have a lot more swelling to do as well.

I can't wait to see how fat they get over the next few weeks!

I will try and share pictures when I can. (I'll be taking them the whole time) But since I will be guarding the land full time from now on, and there is no internet access, I might not get a chance to post much over the next month. But I'll try!

Well words cant really describe this for me haha, im sub'd. Cant wait to see how these babies turn out. Much respect porky, best of luck to you and your ladies.
Now this is one of the better gardens I have seen... and I bet you dont have bug problems like us valley dwellers.. Kudo's