Portable A/C Questions (yes, I searched lol)

So my temp in my room are way too high so I purchased a portable LG 9000 btu air conditioner. I have a question on how to route the exhaust for the ac unit. I have an inline fan already with booster and passive intake pulling cool air. I wanted to tap into this duct work to exhaust the A/C unit. I live in a dry climate so humidity is about 25% currently. Thanks all


I have a similar situation, and you should run the exhaust from the A/C unit into the attic directly instead. The air coming out of that thing is well over 100 degrees and wouldn't help matters by pushing it through 3 lights. It would be more efficient to duct into the attic. Also, use insulated ducting so none of the heat radiates into your area, not the hard plastic hose that comes with the unit.

Hope that helps. I would like to know what you end up doing. Best of luck and happy growing.
Thanks for the response. Yea I heard that if you extend the exhaust too much it causes the unit to malfunction as the ceiling is a good 8ft tall. Ill probably end up going this route though.


Well-Known Member
You have 3/4 ton of ac I would just vent the ac and get wings for the lights, cool tubes and other heavy reflectors hold heat and that you don't want. Use smooth heating pipe from Home depot 4 or 6 inch, you can extend your reach that way as corrugated pipe slows air down.
Yeah I have mine on a 36 inch metal shelf (sorry for not mentioning that), so my duct is just a little over 5 feet. Mine has ran great so far and I haven't had any problems with the unit shutting off nor have I had to empty the water reservoir. My 400w light hangs freely in the room (600w cooled inside flower tent, vented right into the room) and my temps stay at 74-75 all around. Your unit's size should give you comparable results. Let me know how it comes along!
Yes i decided to go with a dedicated exhaust to the attic itself. Im increasing the exhaust outlet size from 6in to 8in so this should take care of any flow issues. I am building it as we speak lol so no results yet but today was 88 degrees so it needs the cooling bad lol. Also fabricated a new carbon intake for the a/c unit as well as an exhaust based on Ryoko's tutorial. Let y'all know the results
@reefamadness that is just my mad MS paint skills lol. Got everything squared away the under light temp is 78.4 degrees. The exhaust off the a/c was getting pretty damn hot but I think it will work out. Stock hose was 6in diameter and about 5.5ft long. Mine is just under 8ft but I used 8in insulated tubing so its 33% bigger diameter and about a 38% longer exhaust. Just need to do some long term testing to see if the a/c can hang, left everything on for an hour and it performed beautifully.
Awesome! I keep my a/c running 24 hours, my plants love when it gets down to 68 during night time :)

One thing about these a/c units; they never cut off (at least the fan doesn't). I was worried at first because it never stopped blowing but then I figured out the condenser cuts on and off. (Thought it would be more like a home a/c). Anyways, you should be fine with that exhaust setup and 78 degrees is beautiful.

One more thing, I noted you put a carbon setup for the a/c? If you could post a pic of that, that would be cool. I just use a 400cfm filter/fan in my flower tent and a 200cfm fan/filter scrubbing out in the open next to my vegging girls so I don't have to worry about smell in the attic. I also took a small 12x12 air filter sprayed with lavender air deodorizer and taped it to the sheet rock in the attic over the a/c exhaust just in case ;)

Hope all goes well, looking good so far from what I can tell. If you need anything else just shout! Take it easy.
I don't right now cuz its mounted in the attic. But all it is a duct cap and collar with mesh connecting them. I went to walmart and got some carbon filters for air purifiers like 6 bucks. So basically a DIY scrubber exhaust for about 20 bucks. On the intake for the ac every filter is too thin so i just soaked them in ona gel for 24 hours.
I see I see. I thought you had rigged something to the side filters somehow, but I follow now. Good thinking man, you should be peachy. Best of luck and glad everything is up and running for you. Take care.

Oh, one thing just in case, heat can minimize the effect of carbon filters and even shorten their life, so keep an eye on yours every now and then to make sure it is still doing its job. I would hate for you to come home and your whole place smell of bud because of the attic exhaust ;) lol You may even add some Ona spray to the outside of it..
yea heat does kill those filters but mine is double layered and the intake is as I said soaked with ona lol. Yea im a medical patient so its legit I just dont want the neighbors knowing whats going on next door;)
For sure. I wouldn't want anyone knowing regardless. Jealousy will cause people to do crazy shit.lol Anyways, cool man looks like this is squared away. Take it easy.