Well-Known Member
Ok so i went and spent 250 on a new portable ac unit. She is 9000 btu and supplies solely a 4x4 room with 2x 600 watt lights. Its hot in there. My question is, when i set this up, the way it is now, i have the ac vent hooked into the side wall in my room and the actual unit sits outside the room. The bedroom that the grow room is in gets super hot, like 90+ all day, so the return air being sucked into the return on the ac unit is hot, is this causing my ac to not be able to work as good as it should. I mean do i need to put the ac in the room? I know with all that air conditioning power, the grow room should stay in the 70's all day.right????????? Someone help me so i can do what i need to do................oh by the way, my temps stay around 80-85 fahrenheit, isnt that a little high for optimal conditions without co2