Portable camping stove to produce CO2 ???????


I was wondering if I could use a portable camping stove to produce CO2. It uses butane cannisters and burns with a blue flame. I have a sealed room with a fan in and out which I will obviously turn off if I use it. I have no idea how much CO2 it will produce but if I use it for an hour a day will it be better than nothing or should I not bother. Thankyou for any resonse.


Active Member
Fairly certain that will produce carbon monoxide (toxic if in a confined area), what you want is carbon dioxide. I've heard of people using yeast and sugar as a cheap alternative or just spend more time in your grow as your breath consists of carbon dioxide..


Well-Known Member
CO2 generators are just tankless water heaters that burn either propane or natural gas. BTW Propane is clean burning, all that is given of is one part CO2 to two parts H2O vapor.


Well-Known Member
Fire in the grow room?!! I have a gallon of wine brewing in there. Fizzes away like a coke for a couple of months, all CO2...and some wine by-product, if you like that kind of thing.:spew::lol: