Portland Oregon

Hood river is awesome. Never lived there tho. I was born and raised in Hepner OR til i was 12 and Portland metro area since. I live in Estacada now though. I love Oregon more than anything in the world! Although a little more sun would be nice
My uncle howard owned a gas station in hepner. Crazy little place where a dam was.
We helped him during hunting season sooooo many years ago. Cold as shit.

We would get baked at night and go up the mountain and the stars looked really close.
My uncle howard owned a gas station in hepner. Crazy little place where a dam was.
We helped him during hunting season sooooo many years ago. Cold as shit.

We would get baked at night and go up the mountain and the stars looked really close.
Its the best place to hunt. And that damn is huuuge. I almost bought a piece of property overlooking the the water right there at the dam/camp site. Hepner is awesome too! Its just a totally different landscape than where i live now haha
Its the best place to hunt. And that damn is huuuge. I almost bought a piece of property overlooking the the water right there at the dam/camp site. Hepner is awesome too! Its just a totally different landscape than where i live now haha
And that dam is still there fyi. In case its been a while since you been there
Lets do it man! Ive got a place on the clackamas river and have people over to smoke and swim all summer long!!
Wow that sounds good, wish I knew this last year already! We had one or two nights where we had to stay in really shitty air bnb's. I'll send you a pm and we can organize something. Would be a cool mission. How's the weather atm?
Wow that sounds good, wish I knew this last year already! We had one or two nights where we had to stay in really shitty air bnb's. I'll send you a pm and we can organize something. Would be a cool mission. How's the weather atm?
Sounds like a plan! And my place is much better than those POS air bnb. I have friends and fam who set up tents at my place throughout summer because its just the shit! Haha. Send me a pm and we will link up!
Wow that sounds good, wish I knew this last year already! We had one or two nights where we had to stay in really shitty air bnb's. I'll send you a pm and we can organize something. Would be a cool mission. How's the weather atm?
And weather just got nice. We had a heat wave followed by some rain on and off but it wilm be over in 24 hours then nothing but sun! I just put a mother plant that is huge and i no longer clone from in the ground at the center of my veggy garden and she will be my main focus to get a few lbs from this year!
Hey man, not there at the moment but usually in the area around the 4th of July. Would be rad to hook up and smoke some weed mabey go to Multnomah falls or something.
Lets do it man. You can have some of the coolest times with strangers who come together for the same reason. And what better time than independance day