Positive people required!!

I wish, but there will be no time when deer season opens. I'll be back at school at night and at work during the day. Its possible I can hunt on saturday or sunday, but I may not even feel like it at that point cause I know I'm going to be drained.

First part of the season I hunt with a bow then a rifle then back to my bow.

Drained sounds like the word...lol Maybe on winter break you'll get a chance ;)

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwes! That's THE CUTEST FUCKING THING EVER!!!!!

NExt, my niece is gone - but not without leaving me with my new favourite religious quote:
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Love love!!!!
Thanks Yessi!!! I saw it and had to have it!!

That is very moving...I most definitely feel like I've been there! :D

How are you today? I'm drinking again, seems to be my thing to do lately..lol Just for now though, once I'm out, I'm done. Just having a one girl party over here..:D

What you up to?
Thanks Yessi!!! I saw it and had to have it!!

That is very moving...I most definitely feel like I've been there! :D

How are you today? I'm drinking again, seems to be my thing to do lately..lol Just for now though, once I'm out, I'm done. Just having a one girl party over here..:D

What you up to?
Posting my buttery recipe! IT'S the BEST one YET!!!!