Positive people required!!

Oh Rosebud - I will miss you on here...
But not in life...because I will know you forever.

Also - fuck my niece is cool. I think, I'll just have to put all the fuckin NEAT shit she put up on internets - right here!

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Oh I WISH I was half as smart as she is when I was 19!
I will miss you on here as well!! and you know, life is grand and someday maybe we'll get to hang and eat cookies together!!

I've always wanted to visit up there! :D

THAT is cool!!!
Oh I wasn't awares there would be some STOP BY's!!!!

OMG - I have too much cuteness I have been just randomly throwing-up all over RIU because it didn't have a home.

Ok - here's some for the road...
puss-in-boots.gif large.gif R40q2.gif Your Weekly Puppy Gif Doze 7.gif giphy copy 5.gif qIONtKp.gif