Positive people required!!


Well-Known Member
What a beautiful Sunday...dark grey sky, rain...I love it! Hope you are enjoying your day too :)
Thats funny but I get It ;)

was a pretty good day, thanks!

Good to see you hun, it's gorgeous, clear and warm, another wunnerful So Cal Sunday. Hubby is packing me into the car and we are off the Cannabis Cup. I've eaten a MASSIVE amount of edible (C99 to be precise) and packing C99 seeds. I'm hoping to find a nice oil rig and a beer and a place to people watch.

I WISH you could be here!
Jealous!! Hope you guys had fun!! :)

I would much prefer the weather you ladies are having.
The cleanup is finally over and at least our blizzard is over. (for now :wink:)

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Hiya GW, glad its over, Shew!


Well-Known Member
but it looks so purty ;)

...i put my polka dot rain boots on and splashed in the puddles in my backyard today, and smoked a joint to my head in my greenhouse :)
sounds divine :)

OMG! It was uncomfortably warm here and even with sunblock and a hat I got a bit sunburned! That is an amazing amount of snow. I do have a pre CA emissions snow blower in the garage you could use LOL!
wow! sunburn really??

how are y'all this fine Thursday morning?


Well-Known Member
Day was suppose to be garbage, turned into gold by 8:05 this morning. Long story short, thought I had fucked up some work on a customers rig and had a 4 hour warranty job scheduled, pfssh, not today, 30 seconds of finishing the job and a "sorry for being dumb" and they were on the way and happy with results.

So basically I'm done for the day now and have been just fucking off on the nets for a while now. Think I'll let the crew do their thing and go ride wheelers and shoot something for the rest of the day.


Well-Known Member
Day was suppose to be garbage, turned into gold by 8:05 this morning. Long story short, thought I had fucked up some work on a customers rig and had a 4 hour warranty job scheduled, pfssh, not today, 30 seconds of finishing the job and a "sorry for being dumb" and they were on the way and happy with results.

So basically I'm done for the day now and have been just fucking off on the nets for a while now. Think I'll let the crew do their thing and go ride wheelers and shoot something for the rest of the day.
Don't trust this guy. He offered me a slice of pizza once. Did'nt even once offer up any grape soda. Fucking suspect!


Well-Known Member
Day was suppose to be garbage, turned into gold by 8:05 this morning. Long story short, thought I had fucked up some work on a customers rig and had a 4 hour warranty job scheduled, pfssh, not today, 30 seconds of finishing the job and a "sorry for being dumb" and they were on the way and happy with results.

So basically I'm done for the day now and have been just fucking off on the nets for a while now. Think I'll let the crew do their thing and go ride wheelers and shoot something for the rest of the day.
Time for a smoke? :)

Whatevs. I am like, thee most positive dude you'll ever meet.
you's my PPR public relations dude yo


Well-Known Member
It's been a good one so far. Me n Cat are going out tonight to listen to some music, can't wait! our first outing since I got here last month. I can't wait to hear him play, its an open mic sort of thing, bring your own guitar or borrow someone's and just sit in. It's something I've been looking forward to! :)


Well-Known Member
That's hella cool. My son and his wife do open mic nights some times. Nice way to get out and see some local talent :) Hope you have a wonderful time tonight :)


Well-Known Member
That's hella cool. My son and his wife do open mic nights some times. Nice way to get out and see some local talent :) Hope you have a wonderful time tonight :)
Thanks Fumble! Yep it's gonna be great, way overdue. We both need some out of the house time that doesn't involve shopping :)


Well-Known Member

well our plans got squashed, nothing that could be avoided. It's all good though, it's about to start snowing here..I'm so excited!!! first snow in my new home! We're going to be iced in soon so I thought the first one appropriate for the day. Love to all, stay warm and safe!