Possible Animal Repellent - No Chemicals


Well-Known Member
First of all I am not a skilled outdoor gardener but I have read several posts with concerns that animals might be munching on your trees.

I was checking out a fertilizer house and they highly recommended hanging mesh bags full of blood meal on branches around the grow area which should deter larger herbivores just in case they are the infamous leaf eaters. Also blood meal is high in N and if it does not work then at least you got a great source for Nitrogen.



Well-Known Member
i have the the best repellent, 100 percent success rate at repelling and killing all species of animal, and its called man.


Well-Known Member
i have the the best repellent, 100 percent success rate at repelling and killing all species of animal, and its called man.
Well without animals there would be no plants. It's called fertilizer and human fesces is nothing but waste.


Well-Known Member
sorry didnt really mean it, lion crap, you can get it at some garden stores ithink, no kidding.


Well-Known Member
i usded a repelant called skunk shot is reaked seemed to do the trick but only used once so i cant 100% garuntee it till next time when we do a bit of experimenting.

the meat thing if you got pigs in your area they might get attracted to it than see your nice soft soil and hoe your plants over


Active Member
Question: Lots of bears in the area this year. Could I collect the bear shit now and use it to deter animals next year?


Well-Known Member
my friends mom is a hair dresser and usually gives my friends their hair back after she cuts it to spread around their plants.


Well-Known Member
idk bout many repellants, i have used a pepper (capsacin)water which has worked, but im not sure if my meds will taste like Fyre so i wouldnt reccommend until i harv..
and what is up with the hair? my brother was talking about putting it in his grass. but i didnt take him seriously, that was years ago tho


Well-Known Member
the thing about blood/bone meal, is it attracts carnivors....which rip apart your crop looking for the body which they think was burried. when they do this, say bubye to your crop.

piss is the BEST natural deterant. every animal in the animal kingdom knows "i smell someone elses piss, this is someone elses home", and the STRONGER the piss, the bigger they think the animal is. ima sound like a grungy hillbilly for a sec, but if your serious about deterring animals just DO IT.

piss in a gallon jug untill full, bye the time the gallon jug is full it should be prighty rancid, now bring this down the the crop and make a circle around it at 15 feet from side of the crop.

i "spray" my crop weekly (just like a cat/dog/bear/deer/ANY ANIMAL) and nothing comes around......including bears.

idk bout many repellants, i have used a pepper (capsacin)water which has worked, but im not sure if my meds will taste like Fyre so i wouldnt reccommend until i harv..
and what is up with the hair? my brother was talking about putting it in his grass. but i didnt take him seriously, that was years ago tho
the hair idea is kinda good, because animals hate the smell of humans, but your not speaking the language of animals. lets see it from the perspective of an amimal for a second here........"human hair, i dont want shot." "is human here, or did human leave?"
"human gone, must have just walked throught here for water/food.............oh look, tasty marijuana *chomp*"

human piss, still smells like humans, and EVERY animal on the PLANET uses piss to say "this is MY home, FUCK off."


Well-Known Member
If you urinate in the soil that feeds your plants then essentially you will smoke your own urine products. Human feces is the most toxic of all creatures. Some people will state it is a source of nitrogen but really it is a source of waste. Whatever you feed your plants you will put in your body and that is something you have to keep in mind and be comfortable with.

The blood meal was suggested by a fertilizer company because the blood makes herbivore animals feel like it is a hunting ground for a predator. Carnivores do not eat plants and will not disturb them.

I am not an outdoor gardener and I have never tried this but I trust the source of the recommendation. I find all of your posts very interesting indeed. Thank you.