Possible disaster with soil. Need input asap!!!!



  • At the moment i have some plants that are in a maricle grow mix. I have been told that is not that good. also a wek or so i noticed on the bag it said not for use in pots. I am so very lost. They look healthy as can be and are growing great. I'm not sure if i should just leave them or take the chances of actually hurting them when i move them... defenitly looking for some insite on this matter. I am also currently running 6 26w CFL's (= to 100 a piece). Is that enough? Also when it comes to flowering can i use a different spectrum CFL and wich ones and how many. I had them on a 24h cycle the first week. there in their second week and now they'r on 18/6. Was it bad to change it, if so is it a problem to change it back? looking forward to hearing some possible answers.
    • :leaf:



Active Member
Your fine, likely the person that told you that the Miracle Grow was bad is someone who fell for the marketing hype and bough some over;y expensive soil mix. I think you are fine on your lights for 1 plant, yes change almost all to lower spectrum ( 2650, 3000k)for flowering and go 12/12.


Well-Known Member

  • At the moment i have some plants that are in a maricle grow mix. I have been told that is not that good. also a wek or so i noticed on the bag it said not for use in pots. I am so very lost. They look healthy as can be and are growing great. I'm not sure if i should just leave them or take the chances of actually hurting them when i move them... defenitly looking for some insite on this matter. I am also currently running 6 26w CFL's (= to 100 a piece). Is that enough? Also when it comes to flowering can i use a different spectrum CFL and wich ones and how many. I had them on a 24h cycle the first week. there in their second week and now they'r on 18/6. Was it bad to change it, if so is it a problem to change it back? looking forward to hearing some possible answers.
    • :leaf:

which version of MG mix did you get ? i have never seen one say to not use in pots.

how long have they been in that soil for ?

it dont matter what anyone tells you or even what i tell you ..... the plant dont lie .... if its healthy then its happy in the mix.

there is not a whole lot of difference between 24/0 and 18/6 , just leave it at one or the other. i recommend 18/6 just because its more natural.

the biggest prob with MG an most bagged soils is that they are way too compact an need extra aeration to make a good mix. if your plants dry out in 3 or 4 days or less , no matter how much you water then you have enough aeration ..... if it takes any longer then that , it would help if you added perlite to next batch.

re-planting them only hurts when they are very healthy already an you take that away from them. then they stress out real bad. if you replant out of a toxic medium , you will only see improvments right away. no stress.



i have 6 CFL's for 5 plants.... that is good? They are about 2 inches away from the light. I also forgot to mention earlier that i have 2 pots with 2 plants in each and one by it's self.I do not plan of vegging them for to long. probley a weeks or so after they show their sex... Is it super bad if there like that, and if so how do I go about splitting them up?... I noticed this morning that the leaves are starting to go from really dark green to a ligher green. Is this normal seeing as they are 12 days old, what can i do. I am watering them about every 3 days. The mix I am using is a Miracle grow for plants and vegetables that says for in ground use. Also what can I get that is cheap but has lots of nitrogen? i heard it needs alot of it. I found some other Miracle grow plant food that is 15-30-15. Can i use that and it be ok? Thinking I might just try some different things with one of the pots with 2 plants. Probley the one that looks the "worst"... even though they both don't look to bad... I have so may questions but i don't wanna write a book.... i'll wait until i get some responses from this post


Active Member
The mix I am using is a Miracle grow for plants and vegetables that says for in ground use. Also what can I get that is cheap but has lots of nitrogen? i heard it needs alot of it. I found some other Miracle grow plant food that is 15-30-15. Can i use that and it be ok?
you can use worm castings for nitrogen. id prefer using straight water rather then MG fertilizer (never tried the soil), i have seen BAD BAD things with Mg ferts though. you can buy the general hydroponics micro, grow, bloom base for like $20. if i was you id spring for it. good luck man
I have used that "Not for use in pots" soil before. I used it on my vegetable garden last year, and not a single plant planted in the 5 pots I had in that soil lasted. It is made to be an amenity to the current soil in your garden outside, not a stand alone potting soil. While I can't attest to its performance on cannabis, I can say with confidence that it fries tomatoes, zucchini, watermelon, and four types of flowers! Get some Roots, Manna, or a similar high-quality soil from a grow shop!


Active Member
i just got done with a grow using mg organic soil and the only problem that i had was high ph and fungus gnats. other than that it worked but this time i am using pro-mix to see if there is a difference.


Well-Known Member
i have 6 CFL's for 5 plants.... that is good? They are about 2 inches away from the light. I also forgot to mention earlier that i have 2 pots with 2 plants in each and one by it's self........
that will be enough light for about the first month but you will want to double that before long. 2 plants to a pot is not a good idea -if you are real lucky,you will get 1 male in each double pot so you can cut back to 1 per pot.if your luck is like mine,you will get 2 females in 1 pot & the rest will be males.the first month or so wont be bad to leave them doubled up but after time. the roots will fight for dominance & kill the weaker plant or stunt both. the bright side to this would be you wont need any more lights to finish 1 female.
I assume the pots are not huge, you can grow several plants in 1 container if it is large enough but each plant will need at least 4-5 gallons of soil. seperating them now may be risky. when you transplant,if the roots seperate easy, you are good but if they are intertwined,it may damage them to seperate. be gentile.if they dont seperate easily,I would leave them together & hope 1 is male.
as for adding nitrogen, most soils have enough to keep the plants happy for the first couple of months. the most common mistake 1st timers make is to give too much water and/or nutes. chemical nutes are easy to overdo & will kill a plant.consider organic as they are safer and many say they will give the plants a better taste.


After my mishap last night i changed all 3 mediums.... woke up this morning to see what appears to be a nice recovery. they all look pretty good. One inparticular plant had drooping leaves cause i think i over watered it but it was standing tall when i checked on them


well it seems i have over watered the same plant again. I watered all 3 cause i thought they needed it. after a couple of hours the plant by it's self started drooping. the other 2 are looking pretty good. One got alittle burt cause there was water on it and thee rest of the plant is fine. They are 2 weeks today...should they be bigger?



Well-Known Member
leave them alone........and yes they should be bigger. stunted, a bit. probably recover just fine, but no more over-watering


Well-Known Member
Dont give it any veg nutrients. It has plenty in it already. That is the problem with miracle grow. It has slow-release nutrients that are great for veg, and mj does grow very well in it during veg. Problem is when you switch to flowering you will still have veg nutrients being released and you have to compensate for that without overfeeding your plants. I would let them veg a few weeks longer and be sure and water thoroughly to use up as much as the slow-release pellets as you can before flipping into flowering.


i changed the medium last night and it it no longer MG. I also have not given it any other nutrients yet... is the temp of 88 something i should be worried about?


Well-Known Member
there was nothing wrong with those plants to begin with except a lil over watering. expect a lil stress from up rooting a healthy plant , but they will recover quick.
what soil mix did you use this time ? what was the ingredients of the "ground mix" ?

they wont need any food for a couple weeks, so dont worry about that. just dont over water. its better to underwater to the point of sagging then it is to over water one time. you just watered/replanted so you will not need to water for at least a week. wait till the mix is bone dry on your first couple waterings so you can get a better idea on what they are consuming.
8oz. of water should last them lil girls 2 days.

im gonna point this out again to all the folks who care and i dont need to argue about this. FOOD IS FOOD. all ferts are the same they just release different. MG 24-8-16 all purpose will work fine if you cant get to "mj" food.

oh an that "burn" is not from a drip of water. its no big deal they are just too moist ......let um dry out.



I would highly suggest mixing your own organic soil next time. When done this way you get what you want and can keep what you don't want out.
Unless your running C02 (I'm gonna take a guess that you aren't ) then yes 88 degrees is too high of a temperature. You wanna try to keep it between 68-78 degrees, 75-78 being best.

Just like wyteboi said. (If I remember right it was wyteboi? Over-indulged a little this morning :eyesmoke:) you want your pots to run dry and ready for water about every 3-4 days. If it takes longer, add a little more mulch/wood compost or perlite next round. My last batch was a little heavy on peat so when I mixed with perlite prior to potting my mix was almost 50% soil/50% perlite. Whatever it takes to get the proper aeration and drainage.
Always feed and water when the plants tell you it's time, never follow a set "schedule".


Well-Known Member
I would highly suggest mixing your own organic soil next time. When done this way you get what you want and can keep what you don't want out.
Unless your running C02 (I'm gonna take a guess that you aren't ) then yes 88 degrees is too high of a temperature. You wanna try to keep it between 68-78 degrees, 75-78 being best.

Just like wyteboi said. (If I remember right it was wyteboi? Over-indulged a little this morning :eyesmoke:) you want your pots to run dry and ready for water about every 3-4 days. If it takes longer, add a little more mulch/wood compost or perlite next round. My last batch was a little heavy on peat so when I mixed with perlite prior to potting my mix was almost 50% soil/50% perlite. Whatever it takes to get the proper aeration and drainage.
Always feed and water when the plants tell you it's time, never follow a set "schedule".
this post is dead on! great knowledge 420!

very educated info.



i am currently runny 6 65K bulbs. I was wondering if it would be good to do 50/50.... have 3 65K and 3 27K. there 16 days into veg. also can i start giving it nutes? Thanks in advance for the info... happy bongsmilie