Possible disaster with soil. Need input asap!!!!



  • i was wondering if it's ok to let the run off from watering stay in the pan the pot is in or do u have to get rid of it? Also I didn't exactly do what you sais to do​
    mrmadcow... i have 2 plants that are pretty behind from the others. i was actually thinking about just pulling them but i didn't. I came across a container of 15-30-15 MG. I mixed just about a gallon. I then watered the one pot figuring it couldn't hurt to see how it might react so i could give it to the others. You think this is a bad idea I just have an urge to just see what i can do with this beauty of nature



Well-Known Member
i am currently runny 6 65K bulbs. I was wondering if it would be good to do 50/50.... have 3 65K and 3 27K. there 16 days into veg. also can i start giving it nutes? Thanks in advance for the info... happy bongsmilie
i always mix my bulbs up for a better spectrum all the way to the end.

no , not time for nutes yet. an 15-30-15 is a lil too much P for vegging plants. go back to walmart an get the all purpose MG instead. or even better get peters or something that dont use urea as the N source. urea is not bad but it takes longer to break down then the P an K so its not quite as balanced.

what soil did you use ? that makes a huge difference on what, when an how much to feed them.



i have a plant that looks like it has a leaf growing between the first fan leaf and the stem(node).... is this normal or maybe the first sign of a male? It is just under 3 weeks old. here is a pic...


Here is what i call my "mutant" plant. It looks like leaves fused together in the process of growing. It is only 2 weeks old and to my knowledge shows no sign of gender. It is rather dank smelling if you put you nose up to it.... My others plants produce a little bit of a sent but not like this one. Should i keep it or just pull it?


Also i have read that at around 3 weeks they start to rapidly grow,is this true? I don't feel like they are going to rapidly grow? Also can I top them at 3 weeks?


Well-Known Member
the first pic is just an abnormal leaf , its "normal" , it usally happens when the soil is a lil too hot , but they will grow out of it fast. too much food in a pot that little gets used quick.

i would keep the mutant because she is fine , just a lil stunted. if you just tell me what kind of soil you use i might be able to figure out why your getting stunted.
my guess is that you are over watering her. she is ready to take off but her roots are starting to rot. let her dry ALL the way to the point of the leaves saggin , then you know exactly how long it takes to dry out. not to mention you will get to see what a underwatered plant looks like. it all part of learning.

the good thing about under watering is that soon as you water , within the hour the plant perks back up. when you over water the roots starve for o2 until the pot dries and that can only be fixed by not watering and can take up to a month to dry.

under water= not so bad
over water= major probs , slow growth, an death.



Well-Known Member
Also i have read that at around 3 weeks they start to rapidly grow,is this true? I don't feel like they are going to rapidly grow? Also can I top them at 3 weeks?
mine start to grow rapid just as soon as they dry up from their first watering. (thats why i use cups at first instead of pots. it only takes the cups a couple days to dry out , it takes a pot a while. )

i pull them outta the dome in peat pellets with some roots hanging from them , i put them into solo cups with 50% perlite an 50% soil. then in 2 or 3 days they are bone dry and ready for more water. from that point on they grow very very rapid. when the mix starts to dry out the roots will follow the water an fill the cup up , if they are sitting in water an dont have to look for it then they will start the slow growth pattern because the roots need more air so the nutes start getting locked out.



the "mutant" plant is in a Not for pot use mix... it is the only one that i did not transplant to different soil. I kinda didn't think it was even gonna amount to anything a few days ago so i gave it the 15-30-15 MG food just to see what would happen( that's when it noticed the weird leaf.lol) I am going to take you advice this time though and not give it anymore and also let it dry up until the leafs sag. I know what over watering looking like, does under watering look exactly the same over watering is there a slight difference? All my plants just looked kinda "depressed" and saggy ans i know it wasn't cause of over watering or under watering... wel i was readying about light intake and some had said something about to much light. Well i down graded to one 23 watt CFL=equivalent 100 watt(regular light) to each pot. I also raised the light since you said the leaves were growing where they were cause the soil could have been to hot. well I came home later that evening to all of them standing tall with there leaves all perking blowing in the wind :grin: I thank you so much for you advice Wyteboi you just may have saved my babies. Well i got a couple new questions you might be able to help me out with... 1. you called the mutant a she... is there something you see that i don't that says reveals gender or did you just say she in hopes that it will be?... it is purty darn stinky for beinf 2 weeks old.lol 2.) I want to transplant "her" out of the MG mix and into the other mix i used with the others... how do i go about taking her out of the pot with dry soil? Do I wet it first to get it out then brake away the old soil, or do i put the soil the roots are already growing in, in the new pot and just add more new soil? You also had asked what is the new soil I am using, well is soil ade by shults. It says it contains peat moss, perlite, and small amount of plant food. I took as many as the food gel pellets out as I could. It seems they like it way better than the MG. Thanks again for all the advice, I'll be sure to take everything you say and soak into this head of mine.lol OH, one more thing, if I were to cut those little leaves that i mentioned would it be better off? What i am trying to say i guess is... is it worth stressing the plant due to removal or better to remove so they don't use energy to grow them? Are they even big enough leaves to cause stress in the first place? OK i am done, sorry if it seems like I went on and on.... nicely medicated at the moment and super excited about my grow and what can affect it.



It is now day 6 of flowering and to me she is looking good. It looks to me like there are a bunch of hairs wanting to pop out of the top. I gave her some tiger bloom 3 days ago that i was lucky to get in a trade fro some green. It does seam like it has progressed more since i gave it the nutes. I am not sure if it is just the plant or are the nutes helping. I was alo looking under the fan leaves and it looked like there were little cola's but i am not sure, this is my first grow. Also there are some leaves that are burnt, should i take them off? Regarding the tiger boom, can somebody tell me if you give it to her every feeding of every other?


these are what i think look like little cola's... am i crazy?lol

i have her under 6 27k CFL for 12/12


Well-Known Member
I have 20 plants in the third week of flowering righr now. 10 in fox farms ocean foreat and 10 in miracle grow organic. The dif is unreal the ffof plants are double the size and all are from the same mom. Quality soil makes a huge dif in my opinion


Active Member
I tell you something... I can run hydro all day long but my soil grows look like shit.... And I keep hearinig how easy it is.... I must be a retard....

kbo ca

Active Member
don't feed every day you should be looking at every week. Plants really benefit from lighter feeding. If you can see your plants need more food then increase your regimine


this is my first actual "get a chance to harvest" grow. I am not in a competition with anyone. I was not trying to go big. I was told i will probley get 7 dried drams or so of bud. wich is fine by me. This grow is just to see how the beautiful plant works. I plan on doing things much better in the future. I did not have the space and time for this grow either.


Well-Known Member
I know what over watering looking like, does under watering look exactly the same over watering is there a slight difference?
NO , there is a huge difference! overwatering (lack of o2) looks like yours does and gets way worse. (kinda saggy , but not too bad, and just growin slow.)
Underwatering looks kinda saggy the first day , but by the next day your plant looks like a stick. ALL the foliage is dropped all the way and it dont look like its gonna make it, But when you dump a bunch of water on her , within an hour you will see her start to raise back up , an within a few hours the plant looks like nothing ever happened to it.

underwatering to the point of looking like a stick is a bit stressful on the plant but NOTHING like overwatering! it takes FOREVER to fix a over watered plant. the only way to speed it up is to cut out about 10 or 20 more holes in your pot and just wait.... an wait.

had said something about to much light. Well i down graded to one 23 watt CFL=equivalent 100 watt(regular light) to each pot. I also raised the light since you said the leaves were growing where they were cause the soil could have been to hot.
well there is definatly such thing as too much light , but it would be very hard to accomplish that with cfl's or floro's. i would homemake a reflective hood and use two or three of them bulbs per plant. (more or less depending on actual output)
bottom line: your not gonna bleach them plants with too much light using cfl's.

ok when i said the soil was a lil too "hot" , i was referring to the amount of food present in the soil. oops :eyesmoke: i should have explained that one first.
most gardeners use the word "hot" to describe their soil to others , meaning a lil too much (or plenty) of food in the soil.

Well i got a couple new questions you might be able to help me out with... 1. you called the mutant a she... is there something you see that i don't that says reveals gender or did you just say she in hopes that it will be?... it is purty darn stinky for beinf 2 weeks old.lol

she is a she , just stick to the story. no you cant tell gender yet , but you can "feel" it.

2.) I want to transplant "her" out of the MG mix and into the other mix i used with the others... how do i go about taking her out of the pot with dry soil?
just push on the bottom of the pot while holding it upside down and just let the dry shit fall off, then "wipe" off the rest of the soil thats not bound up in the roots real good, lay it in new pot an surround with new soil. water just enough to moisten all the soil , then wait for how ever long it takes to fully dry then start a regular watering diet.....going by the plants needs , not by what me or you think is right. it takes a long time to "get it right" sometimes. no big deal , its all in learning :weed:

You also had asked what is the new soil I am using, well is soil ade by shults. It says it contains peat moss, perlite, and small amount of plant food. I took as many as the food gel pellets out as I could. It seems they like it way better than the MG.
well despite what people think those pellets wont hurt your plant at all , its a slow release food , designed for that. if you take that "small amount" of plant food out , you will have to feed them yourself and its much easier to let the soil feed them while there little.
that being said most "pros" dont like using mix with food pellets in it. it interferes with their regular foods an additives. And i am using the term "pros" very loosely because there are a LOT of folks that pump out fruit and are very good at it but are not "pros".
food is food.

my personal opinion on your dirt without knowing the actual name, (no such thing as "soil ade by schultz" as far as i am aware of) is that i would not use it because its "base" is peat moss and peat moss holds a ph thats too low for reefer. you will need to add lime to it , or look closely , there is probably lime already added.
anyways to make that mix work , you will HAVE to keep lime in it so the ph will stay in the sweet range. now since i hate to be forced into adding things for no reason , i start with real dirt an add things to it to bring it to life. peat moss is a very good thing to use but not for your main base.

happy frog is mainly dirt.
ocean forest is mainly dirt.
roots organic is dirt.
your backyard is dirt. (thats kinda advanced though)

if you are gonna use your mix , get some dolomitic limestone and some extra perlite to loosen the mix up. mix it up real good before you plant into it. (its hard to over water with 25-30% perlite in the mix)

OH, one more thing, if I were to cut those little leaves that i mentioned would it be better off? What i am trying to say i guess is... is it worth stressing the plant due to removal or better to remove so they don't use energy to grow them? Are they even big enough leaves to cause stress in the first place? OK i am done, sorry if it seems like I went on and on.... nicely medicated at the moment and super excited about my grow and what can affect it.

dont remove any leaves unless they are over 50% damaged. although in veg you have a lot more leadway on stuff like that. (you can do anything you want to it in veg , just make sure it has plenty of foliage on it, and it is recovered from the stress before you flower it.)

wyteboi +
bongsmilie = soil :blsmoke:



it's day 10 of flowering and looking good. Over night more and more hairs have started popping out the top. I enabled more light to get to the lower limbs. 2 days after i did i noticed there were white hairs coming out of what i think is a bud site. there are no hairs coming out of the nodes though... is this normal? I'm thinking about switching 2 of the 27k's out for 2 65k's to see if that changes anything for the better. would love to hear some impute from people. Anyway i don't wanna keep going on and on. Here are some pics i took before lights out tonight.


I look forward to hearing what people have to say about my grow.... unless your gonna talk shit.

