possible for law enforcement to get I.P. address???


Well-Known Member
yo, i am just curious, not being too paranoid, just a little maybe. But does anyone know how hard would it be for a law enforcement agency, and/or agent of some kind to hack this site to get someone`s I.P. address? if possible at all. I totally trust the integrety of this site, but from what i heard it is the easiest thing to do if you know what your doing.(from what i heard). can anyone comment on this?

Illegal Smile

yo, i am just curious, not being too paranoid, just a little maybe. But does anyone know how hard would it be for a law enforcement agency, and/or agent of some kind to hack this site to get someone`s I.P. address? if possible at all. I totally trust the integrety of this site, but from what i heard it is the easiest thing to do if you know what your doing.(from what i heard). can anyone comment on this?
Well, if they can then they already have yours and mine bongsmilie. Screw 'em, right?


Well-Known Member
I just hope I can harvest before they come. It would suck to to get busted while i'm drying or curing. Sooo close to enjoying the fruits of my labor.... Fuckin cops...:finger:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
word, i guess your right with that:mrgreen:. i just hate it though that i even have to worry about these pigs fucking with me, just for growing herb. But luckaly my state in the U.S. is constantly decrimalizing marijuana, but still not as loose with it as cali. But one day.......one day:cry:


Well-Known Member
federal enforcement would have the easiest time and the least reason, they don't care about our closet grows
i've yet to see an arrest that started from a mj grow site, or at least one that claimed it was the reason


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Sites that have disclaimers stating Law Enforcement fuckers can't enter would fall under entrapment? Therefore if they presented evidence from one of these websites (assuming the disclaimer states no piggies), would not hold up in court...

But I'm sure they could gt an IP.


Active Member
If you're really paranoid, you can use anonymous servers that change up the IP address every time you use the internet. Check out "youhide.com."


Ok, if they really wanted to get anyones I.P Addy they could but the the question to that is Why would they waste the time, resources and energy to do so?
For possible pot busts? Nah. Truth if the matter is that end the end it would cost law enforcement more to get the I.P. addy's, track everyone down and prosecute then they would earn back from the busts.
In short its just not worth it.
They're more interested in finding internet stalkers, murderers, child molesters and "threats to national/world security" than busting a website for stoners so unless you do something to draw attention to yourself then dont worry. We're pretty safe.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Unless you're like "HEY I'M GONNA GROW WEED AND SELL A MASSIVE AMOUNT FOR (x amount of money) AND MAKE MAD BANK FUCK THE POLICE" it's prolly time better spent catching people on the street. ya kno?


Well-Known Member
i have found that ip address scrambling programs and services tend to slow down my connection, i'm not worried about no fuckin cops, if you are really paranoid you should've never registered for this website, and been just a visitor..... and don't think the DEA won't bust yo' ass for a closet grow... if they think it will make headlines they'll do it, look at tommy chong, he didn't even do anything comming even close to drugs... in fact, the DEA set up a "fake" bong store and basically entrapped him... it wasn't even his own bong store, it was his sons... if something resembling this headline: drugs entering suburbia, think drugs are far away, think again? or something of the sort, they'll do it.... with you and your 2 lil plants in your closet becomming your neighborhood's public enemy #1 just cuz you won't take no ambien to go to sleep, or take any zoloft when you feel down, or take any other of the "legal" shit they want to sell you....

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
i dont think its ez to track some one down like that one guy said or all the child preditors would get caught with out stings they would just go to there house and pick them up


Well-Known Member
Ok, if they really wanted to get anyones I.P Addy they could but the the question to that is Why would they waste the time, resources and energy to do so?
For possible pot busts? Nah. Truth if the matter is that end the end it would cost law enforcement more to get the I.P. addy's, track everyone down and prosecute then they would earn back from the busts.
In short its just not worth it.
They're more interested in finding internet stalkers, murderers, child molesters and "threats to national/world security" than busting a website for stoners so unless you do something to draw attention to yourself then dont worry. We're pretty safe.
a seasoned hacker can pinpoint your location to within a few blocks within a couple of minutes.... from there it's just a matter of time of bombing all computers in the area with software similar to a tracking cookie, if you have a good firewall/antivirus then other cmputers will start to be eliminated, since they don't visit this site.... your machine would pop up pretty quick....


Well-Known Member
i dont think its ez to track some one down like that one guy said or all the child preditors would get caught with out stings they would just go to there house and pick them up
it's actually very easy, why do you think that when you visit some sites you see advertisements that reflect market trends in YOUR area.... the reason they let the child predator actually get to the house is this: there is no child, the person is at least 18 yrs old, impersonating a child, and the charges of conspiracy to commit a lewd act with a child will only stick if there is proof of intent.... what other proof of intent is there than a guy showing up at what he thinks it's an lone minor at a house, pockets full of condoms and a bag full of beer??