Possible issues idk


Active Member
image.png image.png image.png so this plant king tut , had been in a 1 gal container for couple weeks normal feeding routine feeding bout 720 ppm ph 6.6 light are 20 inchs , 400 mh , 220 led and 50 led . Noticed that she had gotten droppy the xontainer was lite so I was gonna transplant in a couple days so went ahead and got containers to transplant and so on came home today still droppy and noticed couples leaves have small bumps and there is a couple not many brownish kinda spots mayb 3 or 4 on the whole plant zzz was curious if mayb I had a issue . My tap water comes out at 117 ppm to ...


Active Member
Well when they was in one gallon containers it was bout every 3 to 4 days but as time went on went to bout ever 2 to 3 days these r just 3 weeks and 3 days old .. But I was giving on average 600 ml and that was giving me decent run off , they didnt look like that until two nights ago which that on did get alil dry not bone dry but I went ahead and transplanted and they was gettin close to root bound but the roots looked good they was nice and white and so on but I have a good transplant method and had little to no shock with them and others before , I take whatever container I'm goin up to I set it down and add perlite to bottom then soil Intil the tainer I have my plants in sets flush with the top of the new tainer then I add soil all way around lightly packing not not not much just enough to not have a ful tainer and the first watering have like 3/4 container , once full I have a pre made hole then flip upside down and place in the hole with some light watering the first time just would the inner 2/3 of the new container which was bout 1/2 to 2/3 gal and got some light run off .. Mayb I shocked her some idk but I feel I did a fine job at up Potting ... I use happy frog FFOF AND perlite early seeds I do a 2/3 to 1/2 and half happy to ocean then up pot I use 2/3 tto 1/3 ocean to happy and I use a bit of perlite ... No nutes on the up pot for bout a week to week and half and if so its 1/2 strength depending on what there looking like ... What u tbink ??? And any idea bout the bumps on em or even the small brown spots , I do spray with water lightly between waterings usually 1 hour after lights on and hour before lights off cause that bout my time to get up in am and when I get home at night ... Thinkin the brown mayb bigger water drops that burned them from the lights idk