Possible Magnesium deficiency in young plants


Active Member

my plants are about 2-3 weeks old from seed stock and started developing yellow spots on them. Initially I thought the lamps might be a bit close, but I run air cooled lights and the temp is exactly 73-77 degrees at the tops. The plants are being run continuously under 24/7 lighting.

Now several plants are showing the same issue. I have spent lots of time researching and come up with magnesium deficiency. The seeds were started in happy frog medium and replanted with ocean forest about a week ago and into larger pots. I have not had this issue before which is why I am confused.

I water the plants only as needed. Maybe every 3-4 days at most. Since their transplant I have not watered except during the transplant. I use well water which I have gotten tested and my ph of the water I am using is 6.5-7. I do not have a ppm meter and I do not know what the runoff ph is.

They have has no nutrients besides what is in the soil. I typically see a tiny bit of leaf burn due to how hot the ocean forest is. This is not typical note burn. Hopefully the pictures are acceptable. I am on a tablet which sucks for pictures and typing.




Active Member
mg deff.? where try looking here.https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688 might help ya out some??
Yeah. Looks like magnesium deficiency to me based on those pictures and the write up as well. I guess it's possible nute burn from the ocean forest.

I am am not too concerned yet as the problem is minor and the plants are growing good. Just hoping to stop whatever it is now. Also trying not to add Epsom salt if I don't have too. I used some dolomite lime in the soil mix.

Also I used michrozrite (sp.) teaspoon when I transplanted right at the transplant site.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
mycos is the shit... once it starts working, takes a little bit to grow thru the soil but will reward you with nice bit healty buds and plants. I would guess rich soil and to many nutes for young seedlings. last pic looks right on!! let them be, let them dry up 100% to make roots search for water. and see if they addapt the next few days.


Well-Known Member
I am am not too concerned yet as the problem is minor
No its a major problem , any issue in seedling stage stunts plants, too small, blotchy distorted leaves. Its either crap soil or you had lights too close as temps got high and seedlings don't like intense light or heat.


Active Member
I am going to report back in a few days. I am just going to use the same well water at 6.5 one plant got some today and probably water the rest tomorrow or the following day as they are getting bone dry. Also did some lst and fim topping. Good results from the last batch.


Active Member
So four days ago I was possibly looking into a cal mag problem on these young plants. After consideration I decided to do nothing except raise the lamp and dim down to 75% off my 600 mh. Looks like everything is getting to where it needs to be. Here are some new pictures.

Everything is looking pretty good. I am going with stress from the transplant to ffof and/or water being splashed on the plants while the lamp was on. No idea but I am still going to use the same water and not add any nutes for quite some time yet.



Active Member
Also topped or missed fim. Also bent all the stems to the ground which is lst I believe. These have some time yet in veg.