Possible magnesium deficiency? Maybe? S.O.S.


New Member
18/6 lighting [1000w]
FF grow big at about half strength.[full strength on the FF organic big bloom]
cal mag plus at maybe half strength
Potted in Promix-HP
about 3 weeks old from clone?

Yesterday is the first day i added bloom nutes. THey had all of the above with the addition of tiger bloom and open sesame at 1/2 strength

This is only my second grow, so I'm super new. Decided to try promix so i could really learn how the plants respond to individual nutrients. I had my plants looking super happy, then I watered them with just plain phd water [6.4] about 3 days later they looked like hammered dog crap. I did some reading and most people are feeding with every watering wich i will do from now on. My question is what is this deficiency because Id like to put these plants into flower asap.

P.S. the back 3 are a different strain and seem to be twice as healthy on the same feeding schedule. I dont get it.

First post, but Ive spent the last few months lurking on roll it up for just about anything ive needed but this isnt the first time this problem has happened and i cant seem to get my plants happy like they were. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully ill be able to help somebody else out one day!20150404_073306.jpg20150404_073447.jpg
I'm a newb at this, but that patchy interveinal necrosis sure looks familiar. I fought this with fresh FFOF a year ago. Although I googled around in my newbish way and thought the prob had to be calcium or magnesium related, repeated doses of a commercial Cal-Mag solution never made the necrosis go away.

So if I'm right, and this is cal-mag related, don't waste your time with commercial Cal-Mag sauces.

Google around a bit for recommended doses of dolomite lime (real dolomite lime, don't fall for the other types) and epsom salts.

The epsom salts provide magnesium. The crystals will dissolve in water, so you can pour most of it into the soil and apply some foliar. The foliar dose will be uptaken more quickly and will decrease the time you spend waiting for results.

The dolomite lime provides calcium and other good stuff I don't remember right now. It doesn't dissolve in water like the epsom salts. You'll make mud, not a solution. I've read guys suggesting foliar applications but I don't see how that accomplishes anything. I think the best way to get the dolomite working for you ASAP is to go after the finest dust in your bag of dolomite. If you can find a flour sifter run several scoops through it. Toss the coarse material back into the bag and use only the finest dust. Mix it into some water and apply.

It would be much better to apply the lime and salts a few months early and let all those biological/chemical processes to do their thing, but you don't have that luxury.

It's not at all unusual for two plants (same strain even) to respond differently when fed. Don't let that ruffle you.
FF grow big at about half strength.[full strength on the FF organic big bloom]

This is only my second grow, so I'm super new. Decided to try promix

You're using soil nutes in soilless medium. That's not ideal.

Bloom nutes at 3 weeks old is too early.

I would be mindful of salt buildup and acidification. Monitor your runoff ph and ppm watching for ph to go lower while ppms go higher. I would water with 20-30% runoff each time. Maybe 50-100% the next time if you haven't been getting healthy runoff.

I use Pro-Mix HP mixed 50-60% to 20-25% (each) Kellogg Patio Plus potting mix and perlite. I use soil nutes. It works well.
I ph my feedings to about 6.4-6.5
Google around a bit for recommended doses of dolomite lime (real dolomite lime, don't fall for the other types) and epsom salts.
will do. and thank you very much for the info.
I would be mindful of salt buildup and acidification. Monitor your runoff ph and ppm watching for ph to go lower while ppms go higher. I would water with 20-30% runoff each time. Maybe 50-100% the next time if you haven't been getting healthy runoff.

I use Pro-Mix HP mixed 50-60% to 20-25% (each) Kellogg Patio Plus potting mix and perlite. I use soil nutes. It works well.

I usually get about 20 percent run off. I will measure runoff on the next feeding wich will probably be tomorrow or the next day. and see how it goes. So even if im planning on putting them into bud at 4 weeks its too early for bloom nutes? when do the sog guys start feeding bloom nutes then?
I usually get about 20 percent run off. I will measure runoff on the next feeding wich will probably be tomorrow or the next day. and see how it goes. So even if im planning on putting them into bud at 4 weeks its too early for bloom nutes? when do the sog guys start feeding bloom nutes then?

I don't start increasing P until bud sites start developing, maybe 2 weeks after switching to 12/12. I increase it very little. Some stay with NPK ratio 1-1-1 all through, not increasing P at all. I don't think the grow style (sog or not) matters in this respect.

If you're not following a proven schedule, you want to be sure you understand the NPK ratio you're creating. If you fed Big Bloom by itself, that's an enormous ratio (around 1-20-50). At this point you should be 1-1-1 to 3-1-2. (You can use this spreadsheet to find out how to mix veg and bloom to get a milder ratio in flower, in the range 1-1-1 to 1-3-2 at the end, maybe only 1-2-2 at the end.).
Be carefull with the big bloom. Somehow i burned my plant going past 1tbspn per gallon. Thats in ffof though. Im actually trying to figure out orange splotches on my new growth also after using ffbb. Just cant figure it out because i have splotches and burnt tips on new growth in 2 month old ffof! Fml
Also look at the new growth for changes, not the old growth. What leaf tissue is dead, will still be dead. I don't give bloom nutes until after the stretch in bloom.
Be carefull with the big bloom. Somehow i burned my plant going past 1tbspn per gallon. Thats in ffof though. Im actually trying to figure out orange splotches on my new growth also after using ffbb. Just cant figure it out because i have splotches and burnt tips on new growth in 2 month old ffof! Fml
I really doubt it was the Big Bloom....
Could be "nutrient splash" if it is magnesium issues it presents itself on the bottom leaves general yellowing, ect - as were iron issues starts at the top of the plant
18/6 lighting [1000w]
FF grow big at about half strength.[full strength on the FF organic big bloom]
cal mag plus at maybe half strength
Potted in Promix-HP
about 3 weeks old from clone?

Yesterday is the first day i added bloom nutes. THey had all of the above with the addition of tiger bloom and open sesame at 1/2 strength

This is only my second grow, so I'm super new. Decided to try promix so i could really learn how the plants respond to individual nutrients. I had my plants looking super happy, then I watered them with just plain phd water [6.4] about 3 days later they looked like hammered dog crap. I did some reading and most people are feeding with every watering wich i will do from now on. My question is what is this deficiency because Id like to put these plants into flower asap.

P.S. the back 3 are a different strain and seem to be twice as healthy on the same feeding schedule. I dont get it.

First post, but Ive spent the last few months lurking on roll it up for just about anything ive needed but this isnt the first time this problem has happened and i cant seem to get my plants happy like they were. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully ill be able to help somebody else out one day!View attachment 3388025View attachment 3388026
Hey I am a new grower but I have a CalMag deficiency with FoxForm. Its the water you use! FoxFarm depends on the use of unchlorinated tap water, 200ppm or higher. Because there are so many "micro" nutrients in tap water, FoxFarm does not add any extra micro nutrients. General Hydroponics solves this issue with Flora micro and Flora Micro Hardwater. To remove the chlorine from the tap water, I use an activated carbon filter made for gardening hoses for about 20 bucks, works great. Let me know if this info helps.
To remove the chlorine from the tap water, I use an activated carbon filter made for gardening hoses for about 20 bucks, works great. Let me know if this info helps.

You may be right about the need for micros in the tap water, but there's not enough chlorine in tap water to kill much microbial activity. Water systems are closed systems that aren't expected to encounter much organic material. The amount of sanitizer they contain is suited to that environment. It will be exhausted by contact to a modest amount. You could put a pinch of sugar in your water to promote bacterial activity, or spit in your water. Or, do nothing and let the first 1" of soil exhaust the sanitizer.

Nothing wrong with using a carbon filter as you do. Might be another cheap way to deal with it. But, I think the whole chlorine thing is over-rated. There's not much present. A tablespoon of top soil in your nutrients will exhaust it.
You may be right about the need for micros in the tap water, but there's not enough chlorine in tap water to kill much microbial activity. Water systems are closed systems that aren't expected to encounter much organic material. The amount of sanitizer they contain is suited to that environment. It will be exhausted by contact to a modest amount. You could put a pinch of sugar in your water to promote bacterial activity, or spit in your water. Or, do nothing and let the first 1" of soil exhaust the sanitizer.

Nothing wrong with using a carbon filter as you do. Might be another cheap way to deal with it. But, I think the whole chlorine thing is over-rated. There's not much present. A tablespoon of top soil in your nutrients will exhaust it.
Yes you are right for soil, but I'm running DWC myself and plus you can really smell the chlorine in my tap water. I felt a 20 dollar carbon filter is way cheaper then going the RO route. Plus do you know of any micro nutrient additive besides flora series? Just curious as to why FoxFarm doesn't provide a solution to this.
do you know of any micro nutrient additive besides flora series? Just curious as to why FoxFarm doesn't provide a solution to this.

I'm not familiar with FF, I'm attracted to more generic (less "themed") products. But, I would have thought the micros would be in one of the bottles. If they're not, I'd switch to something else like Jack's hydro or Grow More. I mention those two due to them being inexpensive. I'm attracted to that attribute.
I'm not familiar with FF, I'm attracted to more generic (less "themed") products. But, I would have thought the micros would be in one of the bottles. If they're not, I'd switch to something else like Jack's hydro or Grow More. I mention those two due to them being inexpensive. I'm attracted to that attribute.
Well I might switch nutes if this tap water business doesn't work. So far after a few days of tap water, my baby is recovering lovely. So it's just wait and see...
I really doubt it was the Big Bloom....
You're probably correct, just seem to make it worse. Anyways cal/mag didnt help me but boric acid did, which i was under the impression i would never need that stuff,somehow it stunted my plant untill i added boric acid. To the OP sorry for the threadjack. I just wanted some insight as we have simular problems. I only have organic (or so they say) ferts. And i believe the plant is missing out on alot of macro's!
You're probably correct, just seem to make it worse. Anyways cal/mag didnt help me but boric acid did, which i was under the impression i would never need that stuff,somehow it stunted my plant untill i added boric acid. To the OP sorry for the threadjack. I just wanted some insight as we have simular problems. I only have organic (or so they say) ferts. And i believe the plant is missing out on alot of macro's!
Hey I think your having the problem I was talking about earlier, you also replied to my other post, but yea if your using foxfarm and your not using tap water, your plants will definitely need those nutrients.
Hey I think your having the problem I was talking about earlier, you also replied to my other post, but yea if your using foxfarm and your not using tap water, your plants will definitely need those nutrients.
Funny thing is i only use tap water, usually around the 150-200ppm ph7.0 mark right out of my kitchen sink lol. We dont use chlorine in hawaii water also.

Funny thing is i only use tap water, usually around the 150-200ppm ph7.0 mark right out of my kitchen sink lol. We dont use chlorine in hawaii water also.
According to General Hydroponics, if your ppm is under 200, then it's not enough. that 150-200 range may not have enough calcium and Magnesium to balance your FF nutes. GH says your water should have at least 70 ppm calcium for it to be fine for the plants so you might not get enough micros from your tap. My ppm is around 300 so I know there's plenty in there for my baby. Hawaii might also have a water analysis site where you can look up what's in your tap.