Possible N deficiency?? Autopots help


Well-Known Member
Photo doesn’t seem to do it justice but buds going into curing bucket today. Frosty and very hard can’t wait to smoke. Update with weight later on



Well-Known Member
They look a little hungry for some nitrogen if you ask me which most don’t but that’s what I’m going with. it being the stretch time and not upping your food I’d say feed them and gradually bring your food levels up


Well-Known Member
Haha yea thanks mate! They minda stayed lime green throughout fading to purple towards the end. Took e.c right up to 2.1 and they still stayed lime.
I don’t do much in coco but looks good for first swing at it. I always look forward to and dread the cutting down part as now it’s time to start over. Happy growing and may the force guide your plants to a bountiful harvest. Destiny is all.


Well-Known Member
For anyone still hanging around final weight was 14.3oz from 3 plants. 4.7 per plant. Couldn’t be happier with the end product and overall weight. Think that Lumatek 600w pro helped massively, its definitely some bit of kit! have a good day growers:bigjoint: