Possible Nitrogen Def Or Nutrient Lockout?

Hello all im running 8 plants in a nutrientless soil medium and yesterday i checked my plants and one of the plants is starting to yellow all over.. at first i thought it to be a possible nitrogen deficiency but as nitrogen is a mobile nutrient i was thought to believe that yellowing would start on the older growth and work its way up... could it be a possible lockout?..

Here's the deal over Christmas i only had 60ml of grow nutrients in liquid form and since all the shops were shut and i had a bottle of bloom i gave 60ml of grow and 60m of bloom to 30ltr of water and gave them a feed... all the other plants seem al right except for this one.. they were in week 1 of flower

also the leaves of the sick plant is starting to show minor brown spotting on it.. and it has hardly used any water from the soil the others seem to be about halfway dry but this plant is still very heavy..

im kind of stuck on weather to flush it and add a full strength feed with bio silicon... or just see how it goes... could i please ask for some expert advice thanks

also the 8 plants are exodus cheese under 1800 watts of light


Well-Known Member
well ya need to be feeding in soil less a lot. like every other watering or every watering if you run low ppm. and cal mag is almost a necessity. looks like food to me. they'll bounce right back if thats what it is.
i flushed the medium and continued to water after they dried out.. i figure it could of been the start of a lockout due to salt buildup throughout a long veg.. they seem fine now