Possible Nute lock?


Hello, new grower here. I am on my second crop and still a newbe at this. My prize girl is showing signs of possible nute lock, as of today started showing yellowing of leaves, very noticeable from when I put her to bed the night before.

-Indoor grow
-Water every two-three days, as needed
-Growing in dirt, using high grade (expensive) soil from a greenhouse (no added nutes), in three gallon buckets
-Fifth week of flowering, using a 1000watt HPS
-I was told (he swears it) that the strand is G13 (some hybrid, maybe afghani? If anyone can id this beauty for sure, I would be very grateful)
-Started feeding more heavily in the last three-four weeks, every other watering cycle, and I foliage feed every other day.
*Micro nutrients 3-0-1
*bloom nutrients 1-6-5

Any other information needed, I will be happy to provide. Any friendly advice is always welcomed :)



Ursus marijanus
This is a long shot, but foliar feeding with ionics can lead to local burn. It does not look like that is your issue however. In the fifth week of flowering, you want your lower fans to start yellowing. What I would do ... Stay the course; you'll finish well. And discontinue foliar nutes ... let your roots choose what the plant needs. Jmo ... cn


This is a long shot, but foliar feeding with ionics can lead to local burn. It does not look like that is your issue however. In the fifth week of flowering, you want your lower fans to start yellowing. What I would do ... Stay the course; you'll finish well. And discontinue foliar nutes ... let your roots choose what the plant needs. Jmo ... cn
Thanks, just making sure if there is a problem, want to nip it in the bud (no pun intended lol), before it got out of hand. I kind of panicked when my baby started showed some yellowing :shock:

I thought foiliar feeding was good for them in bloom?


Well-Known Member
Well, you want your leafs green, they need photosynthesis to produce energy, and thus energy for food production. A helping of N would probably be the best bet. It's okay if a few leafs yellow in flower, that can be normal, but too much will affect your yield. I would also stop foliar feeding as it discourages nutrient uptake from the roots.


Well, you want your leafs green, they need photosynthesis to produce energy, and thus energy for food production. A helping of N would probably be the best bet. It's okay if a few leafs yellow in flower, that can be normal, but too much will affect your yield. I would also stop foliar feeding as it discourages nutrient uptake from the roots.
I will try that, thanks again ;-) I would have happily kept foilar feeding until I stopped the nutes in preparation of harvest.


Well-Known Member
Are you ph'ing and testing for the ppms with creditable meters?

It's like driving with your eyes closed if not~

Don't think it's the dirt cause you would of had problems sooner!


Are you ph'ing and testing for the ppms with creditable meters?

It's like driving with your eyes closed if not~

Don't think it's the dirt cause you would of had problems sooner!
Probably not, I have been using one of those crappy soil PH testers and it pretty much sucks. Just picked up a new PH test kit, so I can start to test run off.


how long did you veg? she's not root-bound, is she?

I doubt it, I put her on 12/12 about two weeks after she showed her sex (around 9-10 weeks), after I collected some clones for my next gen. And she is in a three gallon pot.

She is still yellowing, (but she is budding like crazy though), even after boosting the N levels...I will post pics in the next day or so.