Possible nutrient problem


Well-Known Member
1. Top leaves clawing

2. Tips appear burnt

3. Leave edges turn upward

My guess is over fertilization. It's easy to diagnose when you provide decent pic's. Maybe a good flush is in order, cut back the ppm, and fertilize less often.


Well-Known Member
Its weird because I gave them their first fert watering at 5.9ph and 720ppm. Thats qas the onw and only fert water.


Ursus marijanus
Its weird because I gave them their first fert watering at 5.9ph and 720ppm. Thats qas the onw and only fert water.
The Claw can be from several causes ... too much N, bound/suffocating roots, pH imbalance. Imo you're watering with hydro pH ... and for now, no need to nute. It's safer to chase signs of appetite than to try to overstuff the poor dear with nutrients ... like really obese pets, the plants don't know when to stop. cn


Well-Known Member
Im in foxfarm light warrior and runoff has been in the high 7's so I brought down the ph a bit to try to equal it out. They started to get a little lime green before I fed and they are also autoflowers ao I figure id give it one shot of veg nutrients tgen water water and in the next week or so start the flower nutes, all the autos are day 50 and 20somethin days flower all showing hairs and starting to trich up.


Ursus marijanus
It's difficult to tell your soil's pH from the runoff. Also, how dry are you allowing the plants to become between waterings? Have you inspected the roots lately? Also, if you admix a bit of dolomite into your mix ... pH tends to adjust itself into a good zone. I would worry less about pH and more about nutrient overdose adnor imbalance, and root health. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
Just about once a week, I do let them dry out for a day or two before I water. I do both the weight test and move some aoil to see how dry it goes down. As for roots havnt check them since transplanting which was about 25 days agao. Ill just hold back on nutes for a week or two but since flower is in progress its gonna start to need nutes but I ahould be fine. If it starta to get worse then ill worry if worst comes to worat I have 4 more aprouted but they are nom autos.


Well-Known Member
As for the runoff, I got a new ph tester so I thougjt I would see what it was at. I know its not the best way to tell but hey I was bored at the time. I usaully try to get it at 6.0 to 6.2 on the meter.


Well-Known Member
Your pH should be in 6.2-6.3 range every time. 6.0 is too low in your mix. And yes, the same issues can arise from over watering, which this may be too. But I'm still guessing it's over fertilization......