Possible overheating?


Well-Known Member
this concept may help me. I have 8 10 day old seedlings. No yellowish leaves or visible burn spots but almost every plant has a few wilted leaves on them. From review i found out that not enought oxygen in the soil or water can cause root rott in return causeing them to wilt. 1 home remedy i saw to correct that was to add peroxide to the water so thats what i did today. I added 2 ounces of 3% peroxide to 1 gal of water. Ill post updates in 12-24 hrs of any visible improvement. If that does not correct the wilted (curled) leaeves then my problem must be due to over heating. My room also stays around 90 C if not higher :-( here are a few pics of my wilting problem..also a link Pondering peroxide with the peroxide info i found



Active Member
My room also stays around 90 C if not higher :-(
youd melt in 90 C lols... but i know that was a typo. yes 90 is hot for your babies. if possible is keep em in the high 70s low 80s. i wouldnt worry about root rot now they dont even have that big of a root system yet.
hopefully this helps a bit.


Well-Known Member
lol yea big typo, thnx alot, i was just slightly worried. the "droopy" leaves just dont look good. Hopefully the added ogygen from the peroxide will "raise" there spirits :-)


Well-Known Member
well i want to say there ok but they dont really look it. As you can see, no burns but lots of wilting

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its only been 1 day since i added peroxide to the water.. no sign of improvement. as of yesterday i also changed the light cycle from 24/0 to 18/6, we'll see if that helps.. about this dam wilting.. IM STUMPED does anyone have any clue whats causeing my babies to curl under? also i think im gonna just dump those 3 in the small square containers. there growing entirely too slow. probably gonna trash em to dedicate the light to the best 5 plants but would that actually be worth it. its not like they need a ton of light at this phase. I just want the best possible product in 3 months or so. Im gonna force flower when i see 8 visible nodes but at this rate that will be in the next week or 2. There appox 3-4 inches with 4-6 nodes each. so with 8 nodes the'll only be about 5-6 inches.. is that to small to flower??? i was told that flowering at that size would be ok. is that correct?


Active Member
as to the h2o2 helping your plants i din think it would do nething. Is it still over 85 in there? Optimum temp would be about 75 degrees. Were they grown from seed or clones?


Sector 5 Moderator
Personally I think they are curling their leaves to get out of the sun. It's too hot for them!


Well-Known Member
That looks like it could be overwatering to me man. Also since those are from seeds and not clones, you're going to want to wait to see which ones are females before you start hacking plants. It would suck to trash a bunch and find one knocked up female in the middle of a sausage fest.


Well-Known Member
lmao good point. guess ill just give them time and see. I really dont think overwatering is the problem. i water once every day to day n 1/2. I water them till i see slight drainage dripping.


Active Member
You know )not to hijack_ but i'm having the same problem (had/having) i had like a 2 week old one that look exactly like yours, I transplanted it into a bigger pot and gave it some miricle grow and it did great for about 3 and 1/2 days, now its starting to wilt again so in conclusion, you could try transplanting (maybe root bound) but it wasnt a perm fix for me


Well-Known Member
ok thnx . ill kep that in mind.i really didnt think i needed to transplant the 5 big plants yet..i was always told. 1 foot of soil per 1 foot of plant.. My containers are about 7-8 inch. plants about 5-6..now the smaller container plans..im really considering trashing them...all the seedlings are 13 days old..yet 3 of them look very very small. when i say small i mean in leaf sets...ill post a thread about that today. i need a bit of hlp with 3 of em. not sure if its better to save them or trash em...thread will be up soon with pics


Well-Known Member
well i switched from watering every day to every other day, and i raised the light setup 2-3 inches higher, dramatically changed the heat temp. no the "dircet' heat from the lamps are not on the plants, after 4 days all the leaves look nice and perky excaept for 1 plant, the bottm 2 leaves(1st set of spike leaves to appear from seed) are curling up on he sides, almost like the leave is trying to roll itself up into a joint,lol ill post pics later 2day f the odd leaves, also i have 1 plant that decided to grow leaves in sets of 3 instead of 2, purdy cool, just another bud site :-),ill keep ya'll posted


lmao good point. guess ill just give them time and see. I really don't think over watering is the problem. i water once every day to day n 1/2. I water them till i see slight drainage dripping.
id say the likelyest cause would be that there not getting enough light, its an expensive process to replace the sun. also for the over heating id recommend getting your hands on 3-4 computer fans and a 9-12v charger of some sort, some fans have chunky heat sync's attached to them, that's fine, the cooler the better. also the reason why i recommend computer fans is because there way more efficient, colder, cheaper and just plain more convenient then large room fans, and they just love the lovely breeze. good luck buddy!