Possible PH problem?


Active Member
ok this beast has been in veg for a whopping 3 months and has been in flowering for a week. During veg i just comboed botanicare's pure blend pro grow and super thrive. fed it whenever it needed water and flushed it with clearex before flowering.
now no water has been phed the entire time i have had it and i am using miracle grow (i know it is shit) soil. When looking at the leaf in the picture that is the lowest fan leaf on the plant. it is at node 15 or so. All fan leaves bellow this point have shrivvled up and fallen off.the leaves that fall off turn a dark color on certain lobes only.
I just got done with a super silver haze and thai super skunk grow and all of these plants were grown similarly (same soil, nutes,lighting) and had similar problem leaves startt falling off at the bottom and rise to the top. big fan leaves only.
Again look at the picture of the leaf i have heard that the stretch of the lobes of the leaf from the point where they meat is a sign of ph problems. If you need more info just ask thanks for your help guys.