Possible Size???


Active Member
i have been growing this plant since about march now and i plan on letting it grow all the way til it is ready to harvest naturally. does anyone have any idea around when that will be . also around how tall will it be it is about 3'3 now. thanka for any info:joint:


Active Member
i am currently growing outdoors as well i would say those plants should be ready to harvest around oct. my plants are the same size and have been growing since march..


Active Member
that is one good looking plant man, i only ever grow indoor and never seen fan leaves like the one on that beast very nice


Active Member
that plant looks real healthy and that rate and judging on how old it is i would say it could easily reach 7 feet tall... what fertilizer are you using


Well-Known Member
The plant easily doubles in flowering but normally they triple especially with a longer flowering sativa(im guessing thats what you've got by the long slender leaves and shape). So be ready for it:D My baby had a massive growth spurt during flowering...and man you will love that smell:hump: