Possible THC Extraction


Active Member
So I don't know if this is possible but I feel my reasoning up until this point is sounds...while 95% of people never heard of crystal thc there are a select minority that has decribed this as A+ shit (different from other hallucniogens & drugs) the existence of crystal t I'm not hear to argue but I need some help figureing out of ithere could be a next step in my process or if it's all bs.

so THC is soluble in alcohol
1) soak some buds in a container of high-proof liquor(everclear)

2)allow the same soak timew as needed to make a THC-infused alcoholic beverage

3)Since Alcohol's boiling point is 173 F and THC's vaporization point is 360 F would it be possible to boil/simmer the alcohol constantly til there's nothing left, and this would leave a precipitate

I'm assuming anything from the weed that was alcohol-soluble would comeover in the mix and then boiling the alcohol until complete evap would leave a precipitate of anything extracted as well as whose boiling point is over 173F (thc is)

My other idea is that once soaking the alcohol/weed mix and the thc is broken free is there a way to do a extraction using a solvent (like dmt extraction & naptha) I'm not sure wh at type of properties would be needed to find the proper solvent or if this method would work entirely diffrent...

It's just a start but if it sounds feasible/not too difficult maybe someone could do this and find that long lost crystal THC if it really did exist.
Is my science & reason sound behind this...any comments?
Im only going to respond to the part about everclear because i do it often. After you evaporate off the everclear, what is left behind is a thick dark green/brown oil that will stick to EVERYTHING it touches. Its just a tincture with the liquid evap'd out. If you want to use it though, you kinda have to leave some alcohol in it. Since its the main ingredient in Green Dragon, i call the oil Dragon Oil. Its like Green Dragon concentrate, just add alcohol to thin it out. Also, the more you cut it with liquid, the thicker it will look and its very unpalatable.

You did miss a step though. before you cook your mixture you have to heat up the weed to about 350 in your oven but only for about 5-8m or so. This activates the THCa and turns it into THC, making your product much more potent.

I recommend cooking it into something or making jello shots with it because its just a high concentration of weed with everclear to thin it out.


Active Member
cool thanks for letting me know the final product...since it's similar to BHO I'll just look into that instead...I was only interested in this method if it left something different


Well-Known Member
Definately try the BHO. Its like smoking for the first time. Gets you suuuper blown.
The everclear method kinda sounded like a Iso-hash thing. You can do the same thing with 99% isopropyl alcohol, but its really just a shittier version of BHO, in my opinion. I'm guessing the average percentage of THC in a BHO extraction to be 70+%. There are things to increase this to near 100%. I'm not trying to disagree with you and say you're a liar, but I don't see this "crystal thc" as being different than good BHO. Since BHO just gets me reeeally high, I would only imagine "crystal thc" doing the exact same thing. Btw, when you let BHO dry for a week or so, it becomes a powder, could be that supposed "crystal thc". Just my two cents.


Active Member
naw from what I understand this wasn't anywhere near a weed high but a psychedelic 8 hour trip high...described to me as acid w/o the bad physical effects...that's what got me so interested but it hasn't surfaced anywhere in 30 years from what I can find...we can dream cant we? :)

I may look into the bBHO but not yet...no funds


Well-Known Member
There is actually a video out on youtube done by BBC where they ranked the 20 most dangerous drugs in the UK. You would be surprised at what pops up so far down the list. Anywho, in the video one of the drugs they talk about is THC. They said that for their test they wanted people to understand that the effects would be nothing at all like smoking cannabis (obviously). They did an IV of THC into a few patient/volunteers for the study. They found that the "high" or..."trip"...."side-effects" what have you, is actually almost spot on with Schizophrenia. Sounds pretty intense and the video shows it haha.


Active Member
from what I remember about the THC experiments and link to schizophrenia is because they shot them up with a psychoactive drug and then performed an Head MRI or CT Scan ...either of which can make a "normal" person freak after being stuck closed in there for a few minutes...I think I read that those studies had been thrown out & discredited


Well-Known Member
No, these ones are all legitimate and very recent. It is a great video to watch. Sadly it's split into 5 parts, but it's good shit. Also finally laid to rest some myths about Ecstasy and LSD.


Well-Known Member
No, these ones are all legitimate and very recent. It is a great video to watch. Sadly it's split into 5 parts, but it's good shit. Also finally laid to rest some myths about Ecstasy and LSD.
That was an interesting video, however I don't agree with it fully. I definately don't think marijuana is as harmful as they claim. Also, I believe ecstacy, ghb, and a couple of the others should have been placed higher on the list. How can marijuana, the most used "drug"(not including alcohol or tobacco) kill 1(not even sure about that number) person per year and be higher up on the list than drugs that actually are attributed to addiction and real deaths?


Well-Known Member
Heh, you can make some narly thc extract man.
Two deep tokes of that shit and there is like an 85% chance you pass right the fuck out, no matter how hardcore you are.

P.S. drugs don;t kill people, prohibition does.